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I've officially given up.It's only four days until I have tuition due and I haven't found anything.

Besides that,Banks has been ignoring me.which is only pissing me off even more.

So when I get a call from my mother telling me to go to the office,I can expect what it is about.But even then,I didn't expect Banks to be sitting there with another man beside her.

They looked like family.Her father maybe?

I clear my throat and they turn around."You asked to see me,Headmaster".

Mom smirks at me and says "Sit down ,angel".

I sit down in the seat beside Banks as the guy stands up.

"A pleasure to meet you,Ms.Hassan.My name is Henry Carington.I am Austin and Banks' father".

I look at him confused and he clear his throat."As well as a member of the board as you might know.I have heard from the board, Banks and your mother about your situation.After consideration from the board and myself,we have decided to allow you to stay here at Callister"."What?How?".

His eyes glance over to Banks so quickly I wouldn't have been able to see it if I blinked.

"I was able to find a scholarship.Especially for you.It will pay your tuition for this year and following years at Callister"."What's the catch?".

"Just maintain an A-average in all of your classes.As well as taking a extracurricular"."That's it?".

"Do you want there to be more"He points out."No!No!Not at all".

He nods his head and says "Enjoy your stay here at Callister,Ms.Hassan".

On that cue,he gives Banks a blank stare before leaving.

"Well then I guess you are staying!"Mom says happily.

She runs over and gives a huge bear hug.I stand up along with Banks before I walk out of the room.Banks follows me out and I give her a over shoulder glance.

"What did you do?"."Just stressed how badly I wanted you to stay".

"You said you don't have a good relationship with your father.So why would he go out of his way to find a scholarship for me".She shrugs and says "I told him how much I really,really like you".

"That's bullshit Banks.You didn't..blackmail your father did you?"."Of course I did".

My eyes go wide and I push her."Banks what the hell!"."What was I supposed to do?Let you leave me?Hell no".

I frown and say "Banks".

She grunts and cups my face.

"You're mine.I'm not just going to let you leave me,Zoe.So if I have to blackmail my father for you to stay,I will".My eyes go wide as she kisses my forehead sweetly.

"You have me right where you want me,Zoe.I'll do anything for you".

I gulp as she moves back and gives me her signature smirk.I look around before grabbing her hand and leading her away.

Not Just Enemies (Callister Academy 1)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now