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The next morning.

"I can't believe the headmistress is coming with us?"Jace asks confused.

I nod my head in agreement as we arrive at the airport.I spot Zoe getting on of the van and walks beside her mother.

They looked like they were having a deep conversation.Headmaster glares at Zoe harshly before saying the last word.

This causes Zoe's eyes to go wide as The headmaster walks away.Zoe clenches her teeth before walking over to Layla and telling her something.

"Looks like that got intense"Austin says walking up."I'm sure it's nothing".

"It didn't look like nothing"."Well I'm sure I will talk to her about it later".

We board the plane and I end up sitting next to my baby."Zoeee".

She looks at me amused and says"Banks"."Aren't you happy you get to sit next your favorite person in the world?".

"Im sure she is!"Layla says walking over.

She sits in the other side of Zoe and I frown."Hey you are cocky-blocking"."It's not cockblocking if you don't have one".


Zoe laughs and says "You know I'm glad my girlfriend and my best friend get along"."Oh hell yea.Banks is the shit".

I smile at her words before she points to me"."But if you hurt my best friend I will kill you"."Understandable".

Zoe smiles at me and I hold her hand."Hey baby?"."Yea Blondie?".

I roll my eyes playfully before looking at her."Earlier..I saw you and your mom arguing..is everything okay?".

Layla grunts and Zoe sighs."My father wants a relationship with me"."What?But I thought-".

"-Oh he's still a deadbeat.But for some reason he has interest in her.I still think he is trying to manipulate you into marrying that guy"."Oh I know.Which is why I told her that I want nothing to do with him.He wasn't my father.He wasn't the one who raised me.Baba was.It's a little too late to get to know me after 19 years".

I nod my head in agreement and say "If you need anything.don't be afraid to ask"."Banks your father is already paying for my tuition".

"And?Nothing is I wouldn't do for you".

Zoe smiles brightly before pecking me on the lips."Even then there's some things I have to do on my own.And getting the closure from that deadbeat is one of them".

"God damn that was the longest flight ever!"Truth says yawning.Zoe holds my hand as she looks around.

"We are going to the hotel right?"."Yea I think so Butterfly".

She nods as Headmaster walks in front of all of us.

"Alright everyone.We will head to the hotel now.As requested you know who your roommates are".

Not Just Enemies (Callister Academy 1)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now