Epilogue Part 3

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1 year  later


"Banks!Fucking stop it!".

Banks looks up and I mentally groan.I watch as our puppy,River, runs over to me as I bend down.I smile brightly and pick up.

"Hey River!Hows my baby!"."Wow.You aren't even going to ask me how I am?".

I roll my eyes and look at Banks."How's my other baby?"."Great.But I would be better if my girlfriend kisses me".

I roll my eyes and kiss Banks sweetly."Better.So how does it feel to have a Masters degree,Butterfly?".

After 5 long ass years of College,I'm a graduate of Callister Academy with a Masters in Civil engineering.

My plans after college?

Well Banks has been working at a fashion Design company in New York for the past year so we've been doing long distance.

And I have to say that it was the hardest shit I've ever had to go through.The amount of times I thought we would break up is insane.

But we made it work and I would be moving into Banks' Apartment next month.I nagged me a entry level job working under New Yorks top civil Engineer.So long distance would be no more for us.


She laughs and says "Well think about it,in a couple of days you will be on a private jet to New York with your girlfriend"."That I can't wait".

"You ever been fucked in a private jet?".My eyes darken and I smirk."No but I have been getting a lot of my first done with you".

My first time having sex in a public bathroom.

My First time kissing someone on a kiss can at a basketball game.

My First time getting flew out.

My first time taking someone back to Egypt to met the rest of my family.

A lot of first come with Dating Banks Carrington.

"And a lot more where that came from".I smile as Mom runs over."My baby is a graduate!My baby!".

I laugh as I hand River back to Ba Ms.Mom hugs me tightly and kisses my cheek.

"Im so proud of you Angel"."I am too butterfly"Banks says softly.

I smile at them both and say "Thank you.It means a lot".Mom points to Banks and says "You better take good care of my daughter in New York".

"I swear that I will take perfect care of Zoe"."You better or I'm flying to New York and knocking some sense in you".

"Yes Mother in law".Mama rolls her eyes before turning to me."Are you sure you have to leave for New York tomorrow?".


Mom sighs sadly and says "Layla will miss you"."And that annoying brat can also get flew out by me whenever she wants to see us"Banks adds.

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