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The next day

Ugh last night was something.Banks' words.I don't want to think about it.I just want to walk to my morning class in peace.I walk up the stairs and walk around the corner.

I bump into someone but catch myself.I look up to see Banks looking at me.

"Sorry I wasn't-".

She grabs my hand and leads me away from class."Banks,what the fuck are you doing!?".She remains silent and keeps walking.

"What is your problem right now!?I need to get to-"."-Shut the fuck up"she spits out.

Yes Ma'am.Damn that was fine as hell.

I gulp as she leads me to a open door and pulls me in.It was a little storage closet.She locks the door and pushes me against the door.

"Did you fuck her"."I'm sorry?".

She grabs the back of my neck and pulls me closer."You fucking heard me.Did.You.Fuck.Her".

"And so what if I did?".

Banks closes her eyes and says "Don't fuck with me right now,Zoe.Did you or did you not?".I smirk and say "And what if she did".

Her eyes go wide and she growls."I'll fuck her touch out of you.You're mine,Zoe".My eyes go wide as she stares at me."I wasn't aware that I was yours?".

"You are.Mine to mess with and mine to fuck"."We have class".

"I could give two fucks about that class right now".

She puts her forehead against mine and groans."Zoe you dont know how fucking bad I want you.I've been dying to kiss you.To hold you.To taste you.Fuck I've dying to taste you".

Dirty talk was my weakness.I groan as she moves back and cups my face.

"Give me a chance.I'll have you wanting more".I narrow my eyes and say "I'll have you wanting more not the other way around".

She grips my waist and I stare at her.



"If you want me so bad, Beg.It can't be that hard can it?Get down on your knees and beg me".

"And why the fuck would I do that?".

"Because you want it as much as I do don't you,Banks?".

"What makes you think I couldn't get it from someone else,Hassan".

I smirk and tilt my head."You wouldn't have dragged me in this closet if you didn't want to have sex with me".

Her eyes darken and she narrows her eyes."You better be lucky I'm letting yo have this".

"Letting me?I always had it.Look how much I get under your skin.Tell me banks?Whose really the bottom here?".She growls before getting on her knees and looking up at me.

Not Just Enemies (Callister Academy 1)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now