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"I'm sorry..five rounds?!? Well shit if I were you I wouldn't have even picked the phone up"Layla states.

True laughs and says "I'm with you on that.That is some serious stamina,Zoe"."I stayed in bed all day.I couldn't even more".

"And Thalia is your neighbor now?Thats crazy"."Oh and she heard it already.She gives me and Banks dirty looks every time she sees us".

"I think it's just payback for what she did the night before.I mean sex at 3am is wild"."Not as wild as five rounds of it".

I smirk and say "Well..it was very satisfying"."I bet it was".

I lean back in my seat and say "So what is in the plans today?".

They look at each other confident as Cody speeds in.He walks over to our table and slams his hands on the table.

"Guess who just found it that we are going on a trip"."What?A trip".

"A field trip To France"."What?Why?".

"Apparently your mother convinced the board that we should meet the meet the most influential names in Marseilles, France.So we will be watching a influential member from the biggest names  France on Thursday!".

"That sounds..".



True and Layla look at each and I chuckle."What boring!You get to see sone of the biggest names in France.Singers!Actress!Politicians!".

Layla sighs and says"Yea but that's it?"."We are also going to the biggest mall in France".

Me and Layla look at him interested."Now that is what I'm talking about!Lets go that.The school is paying for it?"."Yep.But if we want to buy things,we pay for it".

"That sounds simple enough".

I nod in agreement and look over to my left.Banks walks in with her friends.Our eyes lock and she winks at me.I take a deep breathe before smiling at her.

"God you got it had for her".I facepalm and say "you have no idea.I can't believe I'm simping this hard".

"Well I think you both are simps for each other.I think that's the relationship so great"Cody says.True points at Cody and says "He might be into something".

"I don't care.As long as she doesn't hurt you,she's better than Thalia"."You got that right".

Banks walks over to the table two tables down from me and sits down with her friends.God she looks gorgeous today.

She was wearing blue and white jumpsuit with the words,Captain written in the back.This must be her cheer jumpsuit.

"Is there a game today?"."Yep.A football game".

"Im going to it"."To check out your girlfriend or support me".


He laughs and I smile at him."Well as long as you are there,that's all that matters"."Well then I guess I'll be going to the game tonight".

Not Just Enemies (Callister Academy 1)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now