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My eyes go wide when she starts to stroke my cunt with her palm.I put my other free hand on her shoulder and groan.

"Something wrong,Zoe?"she asks with a smile."Stop testing me and fuck me".

"Fuck you?Like this?".

She spread my lips before inserting two finger in.I set my head back and moan

"Fuck yea..just like that..".

She uses  her thumb to stroke my cunt while slipping her fingers in and out."You like that ,Zoe?".

I let go her titty and grip both of her shoulders."Yes..Oh my god"I whimper.

She moves me closer to her body and pushes her fingers deeper.She smiles at me brightly as I whimper.She thinks she's got the best of me.That's cute.

She wants to play with me,I will show her that I can beat her at her own game.She picks up the pace of her finger and I feel my body tense up.

"Your about to cum aren't you?Are you going to be a good girl and cum for me?".

I narrow my eyes and say "I'm not a good girl".She smiles brightly and says "That's right.You're my slut aren't you,Zoe?".

I groan as I feel my legs tense up.I grip her shoulders tightly before moaning.But I wanted to one up her.I didn't moan her name as I came.

Fuck this girl and her dirty talk.I wanted her to talk to me like this every fucking time we had sex.Of course I knew I had a kink problem.I liked to be called a slut and a good girl at the same time.Sue me.

"Yes"I say moaning."Yes what,Zoe?".She sucks on my nipple hard and groans.

"Fuck i love your tits.I could suck on them for hours.Answer my fucking question,Zoe".

I whimper as she bites my nipple lightly."Im your slut".She smiles brightly and says "Show me.Are you going to cum on my fingers like a good girl or a slut?".

As my juices flow down my leg and I look up at her.She narrows her eyes at me and says "Aren't you forgetting something?".

I move back and say "Nope".

She growls as I turn away and walk to the bathroom.Banks follow me in the bathroom and shuts the door.

I turn around at her confused and say "Banks what are you do-".

She picks me up and sets me on the counter."You moan my name.You always moan my name.We are going to try this again until you get it right".

I tilt my head and say "Your name?Why would I do that".She smirks at me and says "Oh you are cute Zoe.So fucking cute".

She spreads my legs and I gasp as her tongue licks my slit.I grip the wall and says "Fuck".

She digs her fingers in my thighs.My phone rings and I grab it quickly.Banks doesn't stop and I whimper.

"Stop it.I'm going to answer this"."Then don't make a sound"she Hums in my cunt.

Not Just Enemies (Callister Academy 1)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now