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Ahh all done.

True's party didn't start until 8 so we had a few hours to kill.That way I could get a little sex with Zoe and then go to the party.

I didn't really want to go but as Head cheerleader it was always a social scene to go to parties.

Of course I didn't expect to wait three fucking hours for Zoe to come into the apartment.She opens the door and looks at me.I was definitely glaring at her.

"Were you waiting for me?".I point at the flowers on the ground and candles."Oh fuck,Banks.I'm sorry.Taylor needed a outfit for the party tonight so me and True took her shopping".

"Right"."Hey I think this is sweet.I really appreciate it".

I stand up and walk over to the candles.I blow them all out and she looks at me guilty.

"I'm going to go get ready"I say coldly.

She opens her mouth but nothing comes out and I walk to the other room that had my clothes in it.While this was a two bedroom,one bathroom apartment,me and Zoe spent in the same room.

I had already took a shower due to the two hours of waiting.So I simply put on makeup and put my outfit on.It was a dark blue two piece that showed my stomach as well as a little bit of cleavage.

I hear a knock on the door but in sure that's True and Cody.I ignore it and grab my purse and phone.With one last puff,I walk out of the room.

Taylor and Cody we're sitting on the coach as me and Zoe walk out the same time.Her eyes go wide and I watch as her green eyes scan my body.

"Fuck"she whispers.

"Great you have a ride".Her eyes jet back to mine and she says "Banks don't be like this".

"Hmm I think I am".

I sighs as I walk out of the room without acknowledging either one of them.I grab my keys and get in my car.

"Uh everything okay in paradise?"."Yea.It's fine.Let's go.We don't want to be extremely late".

They nod as we walk over to Cody's keep.I get in the front seat as Taylor gets in the back seat.

"So how long have you and Banks been dating?"."Uh 6 months".

"Wow.That's a while huh?".

I nod my head and look out of the window.We arrive at the party and I can spot Banks' Mercedes.She was already here, of course.We walk into the party and god it was packed.


I look up to see True in a red dress that hugged her curves perfectly.She rushed over to us and hugs me and Cody.

"Im glad you could make it.I see your other half is already here"."Yea.Where is she?".

"Honestly I haven't been able to catch her. The girl is like the flash"."Thanks".

"Well enjoy the party!"She says to us.

She smiles at Taylor before walking away."You know where I'm going"Cody says pointing to the jocks.

Not Just Enemies (Callister Academy 1)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now