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Mom looks at me and says "You and Ms.Carrington.. are really together?"."Yes, Mama".

"Since when?"."Last week!"Banks says happily.

I nod my head in agreement and Mom sighs."I don't approve of this relationship.Zoe hunny,weren't you and Thalia good together?".

"Yea until she cheated on me with someone else two days after I told her I loved her".Moms eyes go wide and she jets her head to Thalia.

"You cheated on my daughter?"."Well I was not in the right-".

"-It was a yes or no question"."Yes"she says frowning.

"No one just cheats on my baby.And you think you can have another shot with her?!?"."I swear to you that I will treat Zoe right this time.Nothing will ever make me happier than being with your daughter".

"That isn't happening"Banks threatens.

Thalia looks at Banks uninterested and glance to me."Come on Zo.You know this girl won't give you the satisfaction and lust I give you".

"actually-"."-I do and I do it better"Banks states confidently.

Thalia rolls her eyes and says "That's bullshit".Banks glares at her and I step in between them.

"Quit it"I hiss at Banks.

She closes her mouth quickly and turns away.I look at Mama and say "One Chance".

Her eyes go wide and she rubs the bridge of her nose."You are seriously using your one chance..on her?".

I nod my head Mama sighs."I hope you don't regret this Zoe.Because that was your last chance".

I nod my head confidently and Mama sits back down.

"I will approve of this relationship.If you break my daughters heart,I will make your years here a living hell,Ms.Carrington"."I would never do that".

"I hope not.Because then my daughter used her last chance for nothing.Get out of here all of you".

Why the fuck did I just do that.

I used it..my last chance on a girl?A girl?!?!I was supposed to use that Chance to go on a trip to Paris when I graduated college.

A no questions asked yes from mamma.

Why the hell did I use it..on Banks?

I hold my head down as we walk out."Come on Zoe.Why can-".

"-Shut up".

They all look at me shocked and I turn away.I start walks when I feel Banks catch up to me.

"What is a chance"."It's none of your business what it is.Just know that I just crushed my dream of Paris for you".

I stop walking and turn go face her."A dream I have had with my stepfather since I was 5.For you.So Banks".

I grab her handful of her shirt and pull her down to me.

"You better not make me regret this.You better not break my heart.You better not cheat.You better not make me wish I never used it on you".

Her eyes go wide and she nods her head quickly."You don't have to worry, baby.I promise that I am fully for you"."I really hope you are".

I let go of her shoulder and sigh."I need to process the fact I just did that"."Right.Of course.If you need anything-".

"-I know where to find you Banks".She smiles and says "I'm just a couple of doors down,beautiful".

I turn around and start walking away.

My smile falls as soon as I hear that bitches Annoying voice.

"What did you tell her?!?Zoe used to worship me and now she's dating some blonde bitch?!?".

I turn around as she pauses ."Say that to my face will you"I say coldly."Look at you.Flipping a switch now that Zoe isn't around".

"Zoe knows I'm a bitch to everyone but her.It's what she adores about me"."I wouldn't go that far"Layla says.

Thalia steps up and says "Break up with her"."Like hell I am".

"What do you want?Money?I can get you a better girl than Zoe"."I don't want anyone other than Zoe".

"Stop being a bitch.I need her sex"."Her sex belongs to me.So If you would so kindly go back to where you came from that would be great".

"No..you know I don't think I will.I think I will show Zoe that I'm better for her than you"."Well that's bullshit".

"Is it?"."It is".

She rolls her eyes and says "We will see about that".She walks away and Layla sighs.

"You better not break my best friends heart after she gave up her last chance for you"."Care to explain to me why that is?".

"When her stepfather passed away he left her with three chance to do whatever she wanted without her mothers approval.Her first?Get as many tattoos as she wanted.The second?Was going to college wherever she wanted.Her last chance was going to Paris for her Graduation.That no longer available"."Why can't she go on it without the chance".

"You don't have middle eastern parents.There's no way Headmaster would let that happen.Look just..treat my best friend right, she really likes you"."I will".

"I'd prefer you over that bitch Thalia".Layla looks at her watch and says "I have things to do.I will be on my way".

"Thank you"."Yea yea".

She walks away and I smile to myself.Right I'll make it up to Zoe.Show her that I am the best thing that's happened to her.

Starting with a candle light dinner tonight.I quickly turn around and my eyes lock on Austin.

"Austin!".He turns around and say "Oh hey sis".

"I need a favor"."You a favor?Is it about Zoe?"

."Of course it is.Look I was wondering if you still knew that guy at the Mediterranean restaurant"."Oh the guy on the basketball team,Eric.Yea I have his number too why?".

"I want to eat there tonight but I want it to come to us.I think might be tired tonight and not want to go anywhere"."Ohhh I see.A little dinner under the stars.Romantic.I will help you set it up".

"Really?"."Hell yea.Zoe brings out the best of you.You don't act like a bitch".

"Don't push it".He laughs and pats my shoulder."I got you.I will text you the details!".

Not Just Enemies (Callister Academy 1)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now