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"you look fine as hell in my jacket".

Zoe rolls her eyes and says "Do I?"."Though..I think you would look way better with just my jacket on and nothing else".

"God you are horny 24/7 aren't you?"."With you as my girlfriend?Definitely".

Zoe chuckles and says "Right answer again,Carrington".

We walk out of the stadium and Zoe looks  around."Where are the others"."Diner.I told them I would find you and take you there".

She nods her head as we get to my Porsche.I hold the door for her and walk over to the other side.I drive us to the diner as Zoe scrolls through her phone.

"Did you two hook up?"."Hmm?".

"You and Laken?"."No.Never".

She sighs in relief and I smirk."Worried?"."You're hot as hell why wouldn't I be worried of another girl".

"But I only want you"."For now".

I frown and out my hand on her thigh."Zoe-"."-I know.I'm just being..silly.I know you are for me.I know we're dating".

"That isn't what I was going to say.I was going to say that you shouldn't be worried about another girl.Don't you remember what I promised you".

She smiles and nods her head.We get to the diner and I park in the front."Its packed here"."This is a popular spot for our school after games.Sadly it also where our rivals hang out".

"So I'm probably going to see Laken again?".I nod my head and frowns."Great.Another girl trying to break us up.First Thalia now Laken".

"They don't matter"."Yea I know".

I hold her hand and walk into the diner.Another girl walks out and bumps into Zoe.I pause and say "Are you forgetting something?".

The girl pauses with her friend and looks at me uninterested."What ..Your Callister trash huh?".I narrow my eyes and say "Apologize to her".

"Why the fuck would I do that".Zoe grunts and grabs my hand."Come on Banks".

The girls eyes go wide and she says "B-banks..As in-"."-Callister Head cheerleader.Yea that's me".

I glare at the girl coldly and she turns to Zoe."I'm sorry for running into you"."It's.fine".

The two girls speed away and I turn back to Zoe.She raises her eyebrow at me before shaking her head.


We walk to the table and Austin moves over.I sit on the inside and Zoe sits down in the outside.I put my arm around her shoulder and she leans into me.I smile brightly and kiss her forehead.

"Ew.Never did I think your coldhearted ass would have a girlfriend"Austin says."What can I say?Zoe brings the best out of me".

"Oh we know"True says smirking.

Zoe kicks her under the table and Cody laughs.Zoe looks around and says "Where my other half?"."Right here"I say.

Not Just Enemies (Callister Academy 1)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now