33-Part 2

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Five months later

"True, Headmaster Hassan is ready for you".

I nod my head and stand up.I take a deep breathe before walking into her office.

My nervousness is dissolved when I see a girl is also in the room.She was here with her mother and little brother.

"Great! I'm sorry to pull you from your first day of Sophmore year but I thought you were the best person for the job".

I tilt my head in confusion as the girl turns around.Holy shit.This girl was fine as hell.

"This Taylor Hughes.She is entering her sophomore year here at Callister with our Softball Scholarship.I was hoping you could show her around as talk to her parents"."Of course headmaster".

She smiles and says "I knew could trust you to do it for me ".

The girl stands up and I take in her appearance more.She was definitely Zoe's Type.

Well that was all before Banks.

And with those two nearing the 6 months together,I'm here to make sure nothing breaks them apart.Not even a new girl.

Especially since they are now Callisters Golden Couple, everyone knows how perfect those two are for each other.

"Hi"I say smiling.She smiles softly and says "Taylor".

"True.Nice to meet you.Let me show you around!".

She nods as we walk outside of the main building."So Softball that's cool.How long have you been playing?"."Since I was a toddler".

I nod my head and she looks at me."What about you?"."I can go stereotypical and say cheerleading?".

She laughs softly and I smile."That is a sport so I can understand that".

I nod my head with a smile and give her a pretty good tour of the campus.I take her to the softball field and now all that was left was the soccer field.


I smirk as Zoe weaves through the opponents and scores the goal.I forgot she had practice today.

Can you believe I was the one who convinced her to join the soccer team?

She killed the tryouts over the summer and now she is quite literally killing it on the field.


I turn my head to see Taylor looking at Zoe with goggly eyes."Who is she?"she says amazed.

"Zoe Hassan.The headmaster's daughter.And my best friend".She jets her head to me and says "So you can put me-".

"-No can do.She happens to be a very serious relationship with Callister's Head cheer captain".

Right on cue,Banks runs on the field and picks Zoe up.She spins her around and plants a bunch of kisses on her face.I smile softly and Taylor frowns.

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