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She was gorgeous even when she was sleeping.I watch as she readjust her head and I smile.

"Zoe"I whisper.

I kiss her cheek and she groans."Banks?".

Even her morning voice was sexy as hell."Yea it's me baby".

She opens her eyes before yawning.

"What time is it?"."10am".

She groans before laying back down."How about breakfast"."Not yet".

My eyes go wide when she climbs on my lap.Holy..hell.The way her sleepy green eyes were staring into mine.

"I'm going fuck the shit out of you"I state.

She goes this sexy chuckle before tilting her head."Isn't it my turn?"."Maybe later".

I go to flip her over but she locks her legs."That was more of a statement more than a question".

I glare at her and she smirks down at me.I grip her ass before sitting up.She pushes me back down and glares at me.

"Did you not hear me?"."Oh I heard you.I just chose to not listen".

She rolls her eyes and grabs reaches behind her back.She unclasp her bra before taking off the bra straps.She pulls it down under her shirt not leaving my eyes.

Fuck she is so hot.She was turned on just as much as I was.Her nipples were hard under her shirt.

"You want my shirt off"."More than anything"I say pleading.

She chuckles and grabs the hem of my shirt.She pauses before smirking.

"How bad?"."What?".

"How bad do you want my shirt off".I glare at her and say "Zoe take off your shirt so I see your breast".

"See..that's all you will do?If that's the case it isn't worth me to take it off"she says jokely.

She removes her hands but I quickly grab her hand.I groan and say "Come on,Zo.Take it off so I can see those perfect tits".

"What's the magic word?".

I glare at her again and she smirks at me.

"Im sure your whole life all you had to do was flaunt those blue eyes and girls would flock to you.I'm here to tell you that shit won't work with me.If you want something from me,you beg".

My eyes go wide as I look at her surprised.Maybe the old me would have pushed her off me and told her to fuck off.

But I decide against that.

I'm sure her ex treated her like Queen.I mean Zoe was gorgeous;beautiful brown hair,piercing green eyes,and that smile...fuck.

She deserves to be treated like a queen.Was I about to put my pride aside so I could see her tits?They were..perfect.I remove hand and sigh deeply.

Not Just Enemies (Callister Academy 1)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now