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I wake up the next morning without Banks there beside me.I instant frown as the door opens.She looks up and frowns too.

"Aww...I wanted to wake you up with breakfast.How long have you been awake"."Just now,baby".

She nods and walks over to me."Here I bought a croissant and coffee for you"."Thanks".

She sits down on the bed in front of me as I pucker my lips.She laughs and I say "Hey I don't play around about my morning kisses.I'm pretty grumpy without them"."Oh I know".

She pecks me on the lips before I grip the back of her neck."Zoe baby..you are about to do something you don't want to start"Banks warns.

I ignore her warning and trail soft kisses down her neck."Thank you"."Again breakfast-"

."-I'm not talking about Breakfast".She stares up at me confused and this time I pull her in my lap.

"You're the best thing that's happened to me in a minute, Banks.Being the Headmasters daughter is something I've dreaded since mom took this job but that's been something great about it.Meeting you for starters".

"Don't get sappy on me,Zo"."Yea yea.I know.I'm just..happy".

She kisses my cheek and says "Im glad that I'm making you happy.The only thing I want to do is make you happy".I pull her back into a kiss and she falls forward so she was on top."A nice little session of me topping?".

I ignore her words and flip us over.She instantly frowns as I clim in her lap."Sorry baby.But I want to ride your thigh".Her eyes go wide and she smirks."Good ahead,my love".

I roll my eyes and crash my lips on hers.Nothing like a little morning sex with Banks.That always gets my day started in the best mood.
"Good girl, Zo.Keep going baby"."Fucking stop praising me before I come".

She throws me her signature smirk causing me to blush."I love praising you.It just makes you wetter.And nothing is better than you wet,Zo".

She reaches over and suck my soft spot on my neck and I whimper."Banks..fuck..stop it.I think-"."-Come on my thigh,Zo.Come on baby".

I put my forehead on hers and she smiles brightly at me."I love when you ride my thigh"."And I love riding your thigh".

She kisses me roughly as I feel myself reach my climax.I break the kiss roughly and moan."Banks!".

She slides her fingers in to help me ride my orgasm and I gasps."Shhh I got you Zo.Relax your hips for me,My love".

I wrap my arms around the back of her neck before putting my head on her shoulder."Banks..Banks baby"."Yes Zoe..Tell me what you want.Ill give you everything.Just tell me baby".

"Deeper..please".She chuckles before sliding her fingers deeper."Oh fuck"I gasp.

"You like that"."Please don't stop".Banks groans and holds her head back.

"You have a praising Kink.I think I have a begging kink.Nothing makes me re turned on than you begging me,Zoe".

I smile to myself and kiss her cheek.All of a sudden her finger speed up and I was a moaning mess.It didn't take long for her to make me come for the second time today.I sigh in relief as I come and more back.

Not Just Enemies (Callister Academy 1)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now