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I spit my water out and my green eyes darken.

"Have you lost your fucking mind?".

Layla smirks and says "Of course not.I'm simply-".

I narrow my eyes and lean down so that I was looking down at her.Her eyes go wide as I switch into Arabic.

" Do you know how many people shamed my mother because my father left her?How out of place she felt all alone?".

"Zoe I-"."-Shut up. I'm not going through that again.I'm not letting him come back with hope to just rip us apart again.Don't come up with that idea again".

Layla sighs and switches back to English."I'm sorry".I narrow my eyes before Banks whistles.

"Don't know what you said but just know it was hot".

I give Banks a glare and she holds her hands up defensively."A angry Zoe is a hot Zoe".I pinch her cheek hard and she groans"Ouch!".

"Shut up"."Yes mommy"She says amused.

"You two are a trip"True says.I glance over to Layla."Find another idea because that isn't going to fucking happen".

"Yea.Yea.I got it.Super big no when you cussed me out in Arabic"."And let's really circle back to your matchmaking skills.Are they really as good as you think they are?".

"Of course they are!"."Are you really sure about that?I mean you got me and Thalia together".

I give her a look and she tilts her head.She gasps and says "Which is why I should do this! I need to redeem myself over that TERRIBLE pairing of you two.But hey! Look what you ended up with a hot blonde cheerleader whose obsessed with you".

Banks tilts her head thoughtfully and says "I am hot..and I am obsessed with butterfly.That is all true".

"Oh don't put that on you.True got us together"."Guilty.I thought you two being together would make you less of a bitch".

"And now?"Banks asks.

"I realized you just have a real soft spot of Zoe.Still a bitch to everyone else"."As it should be"Banks says agreeing.

"Shouldn't you be teaching Banks to be a little bit nicer?"Austin asks me."Why should I? Im a bitch too".

"Especially to people who flirt with Banks"."Damn right because she's mine".

Banks plants a soft kiss on my cheek causing me to smile."Besides Mean head cheerleaders are kinda my type".

Layla looks at me like I'm crazy before holding in a laugh.

"Kinda? Thats all you fucking date.That head cheerleader in middle school, Emma.Then it Alex Freshman year of High school.Then it was Malia senior year of high who you had fling with.And we all know about Thalia"."You didn't have to expose me like that!".

"Im not a best friend if I don't".I roll my eyes and she pats my shoulder.

"Hey at least Banks was better than all of them".I narrow my eyes and Banks smiles at Layla.

Not Just Enemies (Callister Academy 1)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now