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I blush slightly and point at her."Watch it on the flirting.Layla might get jealous".

Sarai rolls her eyes and says "I could bag Sarai as much as I could bag you"."I highly doubt that"Banks says pissed.

We both ignore and Sarai glances back at me.She switches to Arabic and says "So this is the girlfriend I'm hearing about?"."Yep.In the flesh".

"You know she's beautiful if she wasnt glaring at me so hard.I think she's imagining 300 ways to kill me"."Shes really protective of me".

Sarai tosses her arms and thinks."I thought you hated girls who were super overprotective?"."I thought I did too".

She laughs and I smile at her."I think you two make a really beautiful couple"."Thank you.I love her".

Sarai smiles and says "I can see it.Just text me about the party.I'm always down to play a little matchmaking".I laugh softly and say "God now I have two of you to worry about.You know where you picked up Nico right?Its at the same place".

"Time?"."Ahh 5".

"Ooh this is going to be fun.I'll bring the alcohol?"."Not that kinda of party, Hussein".
"Hey I'm not in a London anymore at Brexton for the weekend so the least I can do is live it up here"."How is it over there?"

She gives me a look and laugh.
"It's interesting..We have these two new students.They are really.. stirring things us there"."Sounds like I should've went there"I say smiling.

"oh no.You are lucky you aren't".

She holds her hands up defensively before kissing my cheek.I'm 95% sure she did it to piss off Banks who was red with anger.

She walks away and I look over Banks."There's a party tonight?".

I nod my head and Banks smirks."Great I'll-"."-You're not invited".

"I'm sorry?"."You aren't invited to the party".

"But that girl is?"."Her name is Sarai and yes.She's my childhood friend and used to be my next door neighbor when I lived in Egypt.Not to also mention that our mothers are best friends.So yes.She is invited and you are not".

"But I'm your girlfriend"."True and Cody are my best friends and they aren't invited either.In fact, none of you are invited except for Layla".

"Aww that's cold Zoe"Jace says."Zoe rolls her eyes and says "I don't have time for this,I have to go get the birthday cake and balloons".

"Can I come with?"I ask.Zoe narrows her eyes and says "What are you trying..Banks?".

"Me?Nothing.I'm not trying anything"."I find that hard to believe".

"It's the truth, Butterfly".

Zoe frowns and says "If you try anything,I'm kicking you out of the car"."Deal.See you two later!".

Zoe grunts and walks over to her moms car."I can drive"."I got it".

She gets in the car and I get in the passenger seat.I glance over to see Zoe putting on her seatbelt."Stop staring at me".

Not Just Enemies (Callister Academy 1)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now