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"That girl is something else"Mama says.

Yea.Fucking Hot.

But still Fucking dangerous.

These bright blue eyes..that long blonde hair.Banks Carington is a girl I wouldn't never have so much interest in.At least Looks wise.

I was always more into brunettes than blondes.But it's just something about her that makes me want to wipe that stupid smirk off her face.

Whether that be by fucking her or just beating the shit out of her.

I haven't decided yet.

It's too early to tell.

But despite my blooming interest,I think it's in my best interest to stay far away from her.She's a temptation waiting to be fucked.

And even so..I don't like the way she treated my mother.My mother should be respected.

I don't like that.

My mother has done her best raising two children after my father died.I have high respect for her and that won't change.

"Yea"."I want you to watch out for her.But also watch her".

"I get what you are asking for me"."Good.In the previous headmasters notes,there was a talk of a bash they would host".

"You are going to get it shut down".Mom shrugs and says "I could care less about their bash.As long as they aren't destroying property or doing drugs or alcohol. I want you there to make sure that nothing goes wrong".

"I see.I understand"."Good I have work to do.Go get settled into your room".

"I will have to thank you for giving me a private room"."You deserve it".

I smile to her before walking out of her office.My smile falls and I start walking to the private dorms.I walk over to the elevator and press the button.It opens and I walk in.

"Hold it!"A British girl yells.

I hold the door and instantly regret it.Banks looks up and stops in her place when she sees me.

"Are you going in or can I close this".She glares at me and walk in."What floor?".

"The second".

Great we were on the same floor..just great."I didn't know you would be in the private dorms"."You act like my mother is poor?".

"Well isn't she.She took this job".I clench my teeth and turn to her."My mother was a respected Lawyer in my home country.She has a masters degree in Law and Pyschology.She didn't need to take this job.She wanted to".

"Really?Then why work here.Shouldn't she be a lawyer?"."We needed a change of scenery".

Her whole body language changes as if she has solved a mystery.Her face lightens up and she nods her head slowly

Her eyes go wide and she says "Oh I got it now"."What?".

"I get your whole deal now"."And what is my deal,Banks?".

Not Just Enemies (Callister Academy 1)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now