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After hanging up the phone,Zoe pushes me off before rushing to the bathroom.

She walks out and grabs her stuff."Where are you going?We were just getting started?"."Sorry something more important came up".

I frown and say "Okay".She walks over and cups my face."I'll be back okay?".

I nod my head before puckering my lips.She laughs as I kiss her sweetly.She walks out of the door as I fall back into the bed.

Four hours.That's how long it took for Zoe to come back.I waited for her because I missed her.

And also because she quite literally blue balled me.I was so ready and then BOOM!

Im leaving.

I frown and stare at the wall when the door opens.Zoe walks in and pauses when she sees me.

"did you actually wait for me?"."Yes".

"Damn baby I thought you would hang out with-"."-I wanted to hang out with you".

"Im sorry about that, Banks.It was a emergency and my mom needed me"."Is she alright?".

Zoe nods her head quickly and I sigh in relief."That's good".She smirks at me and says "What should I do..You've been waiting for me patiently".

"Hmm I don't know Zoe"."This suite has a pretty huge tub huh?".

I nod my head and say "Enough space for me to spread your legs and eat your cunt"."Well then how about we test that out".

Zia motions for me to follow her to the bathroom and I waste no time.She starts running the water and I start undressing.

She watches me memorized as I take off each layer of clothing.Once I'm completing bare her mouth waters as I get in the tub.

"Come here,Zo".

She quickly undress and gets in the tub in front of me.I wrap my arms around her shoulder and kiss her cheek.

She laughs and says "I missed you too baby.Any reason why you didn't hang out with your friends while waiting for me?"."You're more important".

Zoe laughs as I plant kisses on her face."God you simp for me so hard"."Right back at you".

She laughs and says "That's because your a idiot.But your my idiot"."And that's the only way it should be love".

I pull her closer to me before trailing my thumb down.She takes a deep inhale as I reach her breast.I pinch her nipple as she moans softly.

"Banks"."I got you baby.Relax for me".

She rest her head on my shoulder as I roll her nipple bud between my fingers.

"You like that?"."Fuck yeaaa".

I remove my hands before squeezing her breast in my hand roughly."I love your tits so much, Zo"."Go down please"She whimpers.

"You want my fingers in your cunt,Butterfly?"."Please Banks".

I smirk and let go of her tits before keeping my left hand on them.I slide my right hand down her body before shoving two fingers in.

She gasps as I start pumping my two fingers in roughly."More".

I add another finger and I swear she goes feral."Banks..Fuck..your fingers feel so good"."Shut up"I say roughly in her ear.

She lets a whimper as I pull her in my lap.I bit her back softly and shove my fingers deeper in her cunt.

She whimpers and smile."No one fucks you like I do.You understand that"."Yes.."she moans.

She puts her hand over my right hand and squeezes her breast hard.

"Banks..I'm about to".

I growl and pinch her nipple."Don't fucking come until I tell you too"."Banks"She groans.

"Hold it,Zoe"I warn.

I rub her bud with my thumb as I keep sliding her finger in.I tug on her ear and move my mouth toward it.

"Cum on my fingers like the slut you are".

She gasps as I curl my fingers in her cunt."Banks!"She moans.

Her juices flow out as she leans back in my arms catching her breathe.

"Good job"I say kidding her cheek softly."Was I a good girl?".

"No you were a slut but my slut"."Even better.I hate being good".

I smirk before licking the juices off my fingers.She never stops tasting so fucking good.She sigh in relief and closes her eyes.

"I need a movie night after you fucking me so good".I tilt my head and start laughing."What are you laughing for?".

"Ahhh my butterfly,Who said I done?".

"Oh my fucking god!!!!".

Banks smirks and looks up.

"God?No..baby.God isn't the one eating your cunt right now.Say my name"."Banks..fuck I think I'm about to-".

It didn't take long for to come in her mouth.She sits up and licks my juices with a smile on her face.

"Amazing as always my love".

I groan as she kisses my lips before moving back up to my face."Room service?".

"You know damn well I can't move after you fucked me this good"."That Zoe was the whole point.Oh look now we can lay in bed all night and cuddle".

"You're evil"."I do it for you baby".

I roll my eyes and sit up as she gets up to grab the paper.She lays back down beside me and says "So what are you in the mood for?"."Hmm I kinda want Pasta".

"Pasta it is.Spaghetti?".

I nod my head and she grabs the food.She orders our food and walks back over climbing in my lap.

"Ahh eating your pussy is so exhausting".

I roll my eyes and cuddle her up to me.I kiss her cheek and she smiles."Aww look at you.You love to be cuddled by your girlfriend"."The only person who can cuddle me.And I hate being cuddle but you bring out the best in me".

"So I've heard.Are you going to tell me what other stuff you have planned for me"."Not a chance my love".

I grunt and she laughs."Just know you will love it"."If it's from you I know I will".

"See that's the mindset you need.Anything from me will always be good"."Alright now.Don't get too fucking cocky".

She laughs as I pull her closer to me.

Not Just Enemies (Callister Academy 1)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now