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"God im full.That food was amazing.And even the dessert.Oh fuck that was amazing!".

Banks looks at me amused and grabs my hand."Come here I want to show you something".

We decided to still stay up at the effiel because I wanted to take pictures.I grab my camera out as she leans me to the back end of the tower.

"This is the best view"I say shocked."Yea...it is".

I take a bunch of picture before glancing over to Banks.Her Blue eyes were staring at me amused.

I set the camera down and say "You weren't talking about the view of the city were you?".She smirks and shakes her head.

"Simply the view of the most beautiful girl I've ever laid my eyes on".

I feel my face heat up as Banks cups my face gently.

"There's nothing I wouldn't do for you,Butterfly.I'll give you anything you want".I place my hands on her waist and smile.

"All I want is you".

Her eyes widen before she waste no time crashing her lips on mine.I groan as she bites my bottom lip.

She breaks the kiss before I could even kiss her back.I frown at this before she plants a series of kisses on my face causing me to laugh.

"My butterfly.Zoe Hassan.I love you".

My eyes widen at her statement as she waits for me to say it back.I smile back and say "I love you too,Icy Hot".

She laughs and I smile at her."Icy hot is that my new nickname?".

"Yep.Yours is sweet but I have to be the one to remind you how much of a bitch you are.And how much I love when you're a bitch".

I roll my eyes and reach in my bag.

"I also wanted to give you something for this meaningful trip"."Oh?".

I pull out a butterfly necklace and her eyes go wide."Banks you don't-"."-I am and I will.Now turn around so I can put it on you".

She turns around and I put the necklace on her before kisses her cheek."So..best date ever?"."Ever".

I smile and give her a sideways glance."Our hotel has a indoor pool"I say casually."Then why aren't we at the hotel yet".

I laugh and she intertwines our finger.I kiss her hand before walking her out."We aren't taking a Uber?"."Nope.Out hotel is a block from here".

"Gotcha.So those guys were taking out bags to the hotel?".I nod my head and she shakes her head."This is how it feels to date a rich girl.Now I see it".

"Better get used to it butterfly because I'm in the long run".She blushes before pulling my closer.

"Banks!Stop it!".

I smirk before tossing Zoe in the pool.It was midnight so basically no one was there.It was good because I don't think I'll be able to hold in the sexual desire I have for Zoe right now.

Not Just Enemies (Callister Academy 1)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now