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"Fuck you".

They both look at me shocked as Layla holds in a laugh."Excuse me?".I walk over to him as he stands up."You heard me.I'm not doing this when you just want to show up all of a sudden after 2 years.Get someone else to do it.Because I'm not going to be used".

"You do understand what that means right?"he says tilting his head."Im leaving Callister.That's what it means.I would rather do that then, be your little breeding helper.I'll go to public school if I don't have to use any of your money".

"This is going to end well for you,Zoe.Think about all of the friends you have made at Callister.Your mother tells me that you are even dating someone.You would really want to leave them because you don't want to listen to me".

"Damn right".He glares at me and says "You are being difficult Zoe".

"No I'm being my own person.Something my MOTHER taught me.You know because you left her all alone to raise me?"."Zoe".

I stand up and say "If this is all,I will be going back to my dorm.It's getting late.And I guess I should start packing.I have until the end of next month right?".

He nods his head slowly and I grab my phone."Nice seeing mom".I stare at him and say "Zade".

His green eyes flare with anger as I walk out of the door.Layla whistles and says "That was crazy?Are you seriously thinking of leaving"."If I can't find a loophole,yes".

"What about-".I stop and turn around."We are not telling anyone about this,got it?".

"Even Banks?"."Especially Banks".She sighs and nods her head.

"I promise"."good.Let's go".

We walk over to Her car and she drives us back to the campus."What is asking for is outrageous.I would've done the same thing"."Yes well he's always been like that.Demanding but for what reason?Just because you pay my bills you're a father?I don't even remember the last time he called me.Let alone asked to see me".

"But you are beating him at his own game huh?I mean look at his face when you told him no".We get to the campus and walk into the dorm building.

"Because he's Tech billionaire Zade Ibrahim.He gets everything he wants and still can't build a relationship with his only daughter".She rolls her eyes and says "And to think that he's still with that home wrecker".

"Maybe it's karma they can't have children.Serves him right for being a cheating asshole".

We get out of the elevator and my eyes go wide when I see Banks sitting down in her phone.She stands up when she sees me.

"Hey,are you okay?".I clench my jaw and say "Fine".

"You don't sound fine.Is there something I can do".

My eyes twitch and Layla laughs.She walks over to the door and snatches the keys out my hand.

She opens it and says "I'm just going to push her in this room before she says something she will regret.She has a habit of saying things she doesn't mean when she's pissed.So say goodnight to Banks!".

Banks looks at her confused as the door opens and Layla quite literally pushes me in the room.She shuts the door behind her and I gasp.

Did she really just do that?


"I'll talk to you in the morning sunshine!"I call out.My phone buzzes and I look down.

Zoe:You bitch.You push me like that again and I will pull your hair out.Also don't you say a word about this to Banks

I roll my eyes and look up at Banks."What's wrong with Zoe"."Family problems".

"I think you can elaborate more on that"."Well I can't.Zoe will tell you when she's ready.Though I would like it if-".

I pause and move toward the door."NOT TELL YOU AT THE LAST MINUTE"I yell to her door.

Zoe:Fuck you

I smirk myself and say "Just know that I have no intention of telling you.And you don't want to annoy Zoe in this moment.She might just lash out on you"."Lash out on me?Your joking right?".

"Oh no.I'm quite serious.Either way,you aren't getting it out of me so just be patient".

Banks glares at me before walking to the door.She pounds on the door causing Zoe to open it.

"What the fuck are you doing"Zoe warns."Tell me what's wrong".

"Banks.Get the fuck out my face".

"Not before I get a goodnight kiss".

Zoe narrows her eyes at Banks and slams the door in her face.Banks eyes go wide and she slowly turns to me.

"Not going to lie,I thought she was going to kiss me"."And I thought she was going to sucker punch you.I told you she was pissed.You should've listened".

Banks grunts and puts a hand through her hair."Your friend".

She looks at me as I continue."Athena was it?".Banks smirks and says "What about her?".

"Is she by Chance single?"."Possibly".

"Possibly doesn't tell me anything"."Neither are you telling me about what's wrong with Zoe.I guess we will both be curious about this situation".

"Hmm no really.I know exactly what's wrong with Zoe.Information that is probably going to drive you insane because you don't know.As for Athena,I can always go up to her and ask her myself.So we aren't on unequal footing.I will have to say,Nice try Banks"."You and her really are best friends.Fucking infuriating".

"Who do you think I learned it from"."How long do you think it will take for her to tell me the truth.It's just she usually tells me stuff.I guess it's different now that we are officially in a relationship.But I still want to be there for her".

I frown and says "Once she's comes to terms with it,she will tell you.That's all I'm going to say about it.And that's all your getting out of me"."Got it.Good night".


She turns away and walks away.I sigh and glance over to Zoe's door before walking away.Zoe was not lying about Banks being infatuated with her.This girl down bad for my best friend.Good for Zoe.

Not Just Enemies (Callister Academy 1)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now