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The next day

"Banks stop it.We need to get to class.This is the third time you have pulled me away from class so we can make out".

Banks rolls her eyes and crashes her lips back on mine.I feel her slide her hands inside of my pants and I shake my head.

"Oh hell no.Banks quit it".

I pull her hand out and she frowns."Come on Butterfly.Let me fuck you".My eyes go wide and I say "Butterfly?".

She eyes soften and she cups my face.

"The first time I saw you I thought you were a cunt-"."-Wow that's so nice to say".

"But when you I saw you outside in the gardens one day..I was mesmerized.You looked so fucking beautiful.How the sun had hit your skin and how much you were glowing..you reminded me of a butterfly"."That's the sweetest thing you have ever said to me,Banks".

"Now can I fuck your cunt".

My smile falls and I grunt."And you had to ruin it".

I push her back and button my shirt back up."As much as I love hooking up with you in a supply closet.I have to go to library"."Let me go with you".

"Well aren't you starting to get clingy"."Im addicted to your kisses and your pussy,Sue me".

I roll my eyes and hop off the table."Goodbye Banks"."One last kiss".

I tilt my head and grunt.I kiss her sweetly before she tries to deepen the kiss.

"Nope.No happening.Enjoy the rest of your day"."Butterfly!".

I open the door and walk out.I look around to see the hallway empty before walking over to the library.

Finally some alone time where I can actually focus on my studies and not worrying about a 5'7 cheerleader pulling me into a supply closet to make out every three hours.


I turn around to see Cody and he rushes over to me."Heading to the library?"."Yep".

"I'll come with.I need to get my notes right for the chemistry test in two days"."I can't help you if you want?".

"Oh I'm definitely done.I need all the help I can get".


"God what the hell is wrong with your form!"I yell.

Most people wouldn't believe that a freshman would be the captain of the college cheer team.It's because I'm the best of the best and everyone knows it.

"Sorry cap!"."Fix it.We have a game in a couple of days and I don't want us to look like we drunk a whole bottle of tequila"

I look around and my eyes lock on Zoe in the stands.She had her phone in her hand texting.

"Ten minute break everyone!".

I walk over to my bag and pull my phone out.

Not Just Enemies (Callister Academy 1)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now