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I open my eyes to feel me sitting on someone's lap.I open them wide before moving back.

"Ahh you awake Butterfly?"Banks asks."What?Why are you carrying me?Weren't we in the car?".

"Ahh after I fingered you, you fell asleep.Must be from all the prepping you had to do"."What!Oh god,I have to-".

"-Relax, Butterfly"."Don't tell me to relax! I still had three other things I needed to do before 5-".

"-Pick up the balloons from Party-city, Grab the catered food from Headmasters favorite restaurant, and pick up your cousin from the airport"."How do you-".

"-Because I already did all of those things.Look where we are".

My eyes go wide as I look out of the window.We were parked in my mamas driveway.

"It's 4:50.I didn't want to wake you because you looked really peaceful sleeping.So I just waited for you watch up naturally.I took everything in the house already and told headmaster that you were tired".

I sit up and stare at her."You didn't need to do that"."Uhh I kinda did since I was the reason you went to sleep in the first place".

"Glad you know that it was your fault".

She rolls her eyes and I rub my thumb on her cheek softly.

"But thank you"."Anything for you".

I kiss her sweetly before she opens the door."You should go inside.I think the party is about to start".

I nod my head and get out of the car.She shuts the door behind me and I tilt my head.

"Can I ask you a question"."What is it,butterfly?".

"Do you promise that we will be together forever".

Banks looks at me amused and says "I told you that you were my only one.There's no one I will love more than you"."You have to say the words".

"I promise".I nod my head and hold my hand out.

"What are you doing?"."You're going into the party with me".

"What?But I thought that I couldn't do that?It was a family tradition"."Well there is one exception to that rule.And since you promised that we would be together forever,It's pretty official".

"What exactly?".I smirk at her and says "If you leave me then you will get bad luck for the rest of your life".

"Like I would ever leave you.Don't worry,Hassan.I'm here for you and I'm not leaving".I smile softly and says "Then come on and meet my family,Icy Hot".

"I would love to".

I pull her into the house and watch as my family smiling brightly.One by one they all greet Banks with a smile.I smile brightly as Banks winks at me.God i fucking love this girl.

After Mama Hassan's party I was chilling in my door.

I mean about to take a fat nap when someone knocks on my door.I grunt before putting on my house coat and walks over to the door.

Not Just Enemies (Callister Academy 1)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now