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"I have to say that this is fucking stupid.Getting us up this fucking early for a museum walk"Athena says.

Jace grunts in agreement and says "Im too fucking tired for this.Me and Athena found a club last night"."Really where is it?".

"On 7th Avenue right,Thena?".

Athena nods in agreement and I nod my head."Was it any good?".Athena push opens the door and shrugs.

"I mean I definitely didn't see anyone as beautiful as Layla so no".I roll my eyes as Headmaster looks at us.

"Great now we are just waiting for..Zoe?Banks aren't you in the same room?"."She wasn't there when I left.I thought she was already down here".

Headmaster frowns as Zoe walks out with Layla."I can't believe you actually made me do that.I can't stand you"."Hey you are hooking me up!".

"Where have you two ladies been?"Headmaster asks."Sorry mom..Layla managed to manipulate me to going to the spa before our events".

"Because you are saying that your-"."-Anyways we are here aren't we?Lets get started!".

Layla looks at Zoe amused as I raise my eyebrow."Alright everyone in the bus!".


"Boring ass artwork.A waste"Jace says ."Hey you aren't really asssessing the artwork.You're just looking at it"I say.

"Oh please.You used to hate Museums.Has Zoe changed you that much"."Fuck off.Not everything I do is because of Zoe".

"Hey she's gorgeous you know I understand why you have such submissive personality when it comes to Zoe"."I'm going to kick your ass".

"Wow such words.I'm just stating the obvious.I mean look at that girl.She's trying to shoot her shot with Zoe right now.Obviously it isn't working well for her".

I look at her confused before turning around.My eyes go widens when I see a brown haired girl clearly flirting with Zoe by a painting.

I narrow my eyes as Zoe clearly looked uninterested but the girl just kept going.I stand up and say "I'll be back"."Please sure you will".

I walk over just as the girl grabs Zoe's hands to pull her back.I groan and walk over to them.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing touching my girl?".

The girl turns around and looks at me annoyed."Come on this is your girlfriend.You can do better than that"."I don't think I can"Zoe states.

I look at Zoe and say "Is she harassing you,Zo?"."Very much so".

I grab Zoe's other hand and pull her into me but the girl won't bulge."Fuck off.You don't even deserve her".

I tilt my head and send the girl a deadly glare."Get your filithy hands off her before I fucking break them".

The girl looks at me scared and grunts."Shit you weren't even that cute anyways".She walks away and I turn to Zoe.

"Are you okay?"."My knight and shining armor"."Please I saw your face.You were about to punch that girl in the face".

"I was.Good my knight and shining armor came to save me from beating her ass".I start laughing and she smiles at me."Besides that.Are you okay?".

Zoe nods and turns her head towards the painting."I was trying to admire the artwork before she walked over here,bothering me.And let's not talk about her flirting attempts.Much like yours, lame"."Hey my flirting techniques weren't lame!!".

She gives me a look and I roll my eyes."I will admit they needed work but-"."-You were cute.That's what kept me interested.Let's no forget how much of a bitch you were when we first met".

"I will admit..I was a bit bitchy"."A bit?I know I love a bitchy girl but your bitchy was pushing it to just a bitch in general".

"Don't hate the player-"."-You aren't a player so there's no reason for me to hate the game.Now shoo.I need to assess this painting in silence".

"I can be silent"."I highly doubt that Banks".

"Watch me".

She rolls her eyes and looks back at the painting.I look at her face as she stares at the painting.

"You really like artworks huh?"."My father..not the real one.But Baba..he had a talent for watercolor painting.He always told me that painting tell stories and if not stories..memories are reminders of ourselves".

"He was a wise man"."He was..you know I have something to show you".

I follow her to the other side of the gallery and she stops.It was a painting of two people looking out at the sunset holding each other.

"This is it?".She nods and says "I don't really know how to explain it but when I first saw it..I thought of us".

"This painting reminds you of us?"."Yea..I just reminded me a lot comfort.And in the most comfortable when I'm with you.And you know..when you're not making me want to push you off a bridge".

"Haha.Real funny Zo".She smiles softly and I intertwine our fingers."Im glad that you feel comfortable around me,Zo.It..it makes me happy".

"I'm always comfortable around you,Banks.Even when I'm pissed at you,I know there is no one I love more than you".My eyes go wide as her mouth drops.

She loves me?

the sound of a pin dropping could be heard from the amount of silence between us.She stands there frozen as my mouth hangs open.

"Zoe did you just-".

"-Shit"she hisses.

She puts a hand through her hair and starts to pace.

"You love me?".

Her eyes soften before she shakes her head."How could I not?".

I cup her face causing her to turn to me."Funny.I had a whole trip to Paris planned to say it to you".

"What?!?Oh no.Pretend I didn't just say.When we go to Paris it will be our first time saying it to each other got that!".

I look at her amused before crashing my lips on hers.I break the kiss before she kiss me back.She pecks my lips before putting her forehead on mine.

"I love you too,Butterfly"I whisper to her.Her eyes go wide and she smiles brightly.

"You're so distracting.I never wanted to confess my love for you.I was just going to stare at their painting"."Well I am a sight to look at"I say smirking.

She glares at me as someone comes up from behind us.

"Hey you two lovebirds!We need to get back to the rest of the group".True calls out.

I grunt and Zoe kisses my cheek before grabbing my hand and pulling us back to where the group was.

Not Just Enemies (Callister Academy 1)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now