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First class:English Literature.Fuck me.As soon as I walked into the classroom,I knew I would hate this class.

Why do you ask?Because not only is Banks here but some of her stupid ass friends are too.Let's see.There was a open spot beside some guy with blonde hair or Banks.

Banks looks at me and I ignore her,turning my head.I walk over to the guy and he turns to me.

He smirks and says "Hey"."Hi".

"I'm Cody"."Zoe".

"Nice to meet you"."You as well".

He turns away and I think I made the right choice.That was until he turns back to me.

He leans in and whispers "I'm sorry this may sound..rude of me but..are you gay?"."I'm sorry?".

"My gay radar is just going off like crazy".I laugh and say "Yea I am".

"Okay I'm just making sure that it doesn't need more work.So you are?"."Lesbian but some days bi".He nods his head and says "Understandable.Guys aren't shit".

"You got that right"."You know I have a friend,I think you two would really match each other well"."I can't wait to meet them then".

He smiles and the teacher walks in."Alright everyone let's get started with todays lesson".
"So you are going to the party"."Yea..should I not?".

"Oh I'm not saying you shouldn't.Hell I'm going with True.Just..uh be careful.We will go together but it's the whole school and other schools.It's one of the biggest party of the semester"."So what you are saying is that there are a lot of shit that go down".

"That's it".

We walk into the cafeteria and Cody leads me to a table.Holy-

"True.This is the girl I was talking to you about".

True looks up and smiles at me.Oh fuck me.She is so gorgeous.Was she 'Banks' Gorgeous?I think they were at equal footing.

"It's nice to meet you,Zoe"."You as well.You're really gorgeous".

She laughs and says "Flirting at the first meeting.No wonder Banks has interest in you"."Im sorry?".

"You're attractive.Just her type"."She has a type?".

True looks at me amused and takes a bite of her food."Oh definitely.Banks love to go for girls who don't fall at her feet.Most girls at Callister know about her sexuality.Others? They simply don't care".

Cody nods in agreement and sits down beside True.

"A lot of people don't really gossip about Banks sexuality because of her looks"."What do you

They both give me a 'are you serious look'.That and the fact Cody looks at me like I'm stupid.

Cody clears his throat and says "Have you seen Banks?The girl looks like a model out of a magazine.Student here understand that she is way out of their league so they don't even bother".

Not Just Enemies (Callister Academy 1)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now