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I was definitely laying down in my couch about to watch my favorite Show;The real housewives of Dubai.Don't ask my why that's my favorite show.Don't judge me.Either way I was getting real comfortable  when someone knocks on my door.

I take a deep breathe and walk I've two the door.I open it to reveal Banks holding a bouquet of Roses.

"Hi"."Hey Banks..What are you doing?".

"Are you hungry"."Uh yea..why?".

Her eyes go wide and she smiles."Great come with me"."Im sorry?".

"We're going to eat"."I'm not going dressed like this".

I look down at my sweatpants and hoodie."You look beautiful in anything,Zoe".

"I'm glad you think that way but I'm not going out like this in public"."Who said anything about going out in public".

I tilt my head confused and she smirks.

"Come on butterfly".

Fuck her and her nicknames.I sigh and nod my head.She walks into my dorm and sets the flowers down on the counter.

I close the door and watch as she intertwines our fingers.She quite literally drags me outside to the back of the school.

"Banks.How much further?"."Almost there".

I sigh in relief and watch as we walk down some stairs.My eyes go wide as I see a table with candles on it.

"A moonlight candle dinner..Banks".She smiles and says "You like it?".

I kiss her cheek and say "I love it".

"Oh thank you god.I was nervous that maybe you werent hungry.And if that was the case this whole thing would've been for nothing.Or if you had already eaten it would've been worse-".

I smile at her rambling and she takes a deep breathe."Im rambling aren't I?".

"In the best way possible".She smiles and says "As long as it's the best way".

She holds the chair out and I sit down.She sits down across the table and my eyes go wide when I see Austin walking over.

"Good day Ladies.Can I start you off with something to drink?"."you're in on this too?".

"Who do you think helped her get the right restaurant"He says amused.

I glance over at Banks who was looking down nervously.I smirk and say "I'll just take lemonade"."And for you little mouse".

Banks glares at her brother and says "Water"."I will give some time to look at the menu as I grab your drinks".

He walks away and I look down at the menu.I start laughing and hold it.

"Time to look at the menu as if there isn't one thing on the menu?"."Ignore the dipshit.He's just getting back at me for bringing him along".

"I think it's sweet you asked for his help".

She rubs the back of her neck and says "You put a lot on the line for us to be together so I wanted to show you that I wanted to make the same effort".

"Are you nervous"."A little?".

I laugh and she glares at me playfully."Banks why are nervous?You already have me.Nothing in this date can change the way I feel about you.If anything,It will make me want you even more".

"Really?".I reach over and grab her hand."Yes".

Austin come aback over and says "Are you ready to order?"."Think we will take..the only thing in the menu"Banks says.

"Great choice!I will have our chef cook that up right now".

He takes the menus from us before walking away."Now that we have the nerves out of the way.Can you be yourself".

She tilts her head in confusion and says "My..self?"."Banks no offense but you aren't that nice.A bitch is the real term I would use".

She frowns before chuckling lightly."I can't get anything past you"."And if it isn't known already.I have a type.That type being mean hot cheer captains".

She laughs and I smile at her."So being yourself is turning me on more than you think.Don't change yourself for me Banks.Because I happen to adore the way you are".

Banks grabs my hand and kisses my palm.She takes a deep breathe and says "Thank god.Being nice is so fucking hard.I mean I can be nice to you and Headmaster but..god it's hard".

I take a sip of my drink and give her a serious look."Banks you don't have to submit yourself to me"."How can I not when you look at me like that".

My eyes go wide and I say "Are we forgetting the supply closet?I completely folded over the second you went down on me.Do you not know the complete power you have over me?!?".

She looks at me shocked as I let go of her hand and fold my hands together.

"The second I met you I knew you were dangerous.The amount of confidence you had over my mother even in your first encounter..you got to me.I've never been more fucking..attracted to someone in my life.But I knew you were going to be no good for me.I was here to do my studies and be by my mothers side.It was all I was supposed to do.But then you showed interest in me.Those looks you would give me in the class..fuck.Or those looks you gave me at the party.I knew I wouldn't be able to resist you if I had a chance".

"It seems like we are both have power over each other"."It seems like it".

She laughs as Austin comes back over the food."Here you go.Enjoy!".

He leaves and I look down at the food."This looks good,Banks.Where is this?"."It's a Mediterranean restaurant that's like 15 minutes away from the campus".

I nod my head and grab a fork.

"So that's why he calls you little mouse"I say laughing.Banks shakes her head and says "Sadly yes".

Austin come over and says "So how was the food?"."Amazing.Thank you Austin".

"Just doing my sister a favor.Can I interest you in dessert?Our chef makes a mean apple pie?".Banks looks at me and says "Whatever you want".

I turn back to Austin and say "Can we get it plated to go?".He nods his head and says"I will bring it in to go plates then".

He walks away and Banks turns to me."What did you have in mind".I look at her amused and says "Well if it wasn't noticed,I am in tv watching attire.You kinda did interrupt my housewives of Dubai".

She laughs and I tilt my head."But since I adore you so much,I will allow you to join me for apple pie and housewives"."I would love that".

I smile at her and we wait for Austin come back.He hands us a bag and says "Go ahead.Me and Athena got this".

"Thanks idiot".

Austin rolls his eyes as me and Banks stand up.She holds my hand as we walk back to my dorm.

Not Just Enemies (Callister Academy 1)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now