Epilogue part 1

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The Epilogue will be divided into three parts!

Two years later


"oh look who it is once again strutting the main cafeteria like she owns the place"True says.

I narrow my eyes watching Taylor walk-in with her little dumb Barbie's by her fucking side.

It would be another time at a party where Taylor would try to kiss my Zoe again before Zoe cut her off.And you know how the friend group goes,if one cuts you off,they all go.

I loved it because I never liked her.She simply got close to us just so she could get in with Zoe.Despite knowing and being warned that she was my girlfriend.

I knew I should punched that bitch two years ago when she did it the first time.

"Fucking Bitch"Me and Zoe say together.

But that doesn't matter to me,the only think that mattered was my graduation.Zoe still had another year of her program so she won't be graduating with us.

But I already bagged a job at a popular fashion design company in New York.Me and Zoe already went though the fact that I would be moving to New York and she would move there next year when she graduates.

"God you two are just alike now"Austin says.

I roll my eyes as Zoe pinches my cheek."I can't believe my baby is graduating! Im so proud of you!Give me a kiss".She puckers her lips and I move her back jokely.

"Save that when your lips aren't chapped".Zoe gasps and says "Fuck you".

"When and where baby"."How about we take this back to our place and I shown how much being a fucking smartass gets you".

I lean forward and smirk."Lead the way.I'd love to eat your pussy as a graduation gift".

"Im going to puke".

"That makes two of us"True says.

Zoe looks at me turned on before brushing her thumb against my bottom lip.

"I think I will be doing the eating".My eyes roll back and say "Fuck butterfly.You are perfect.Just my type of girl".

"Your only kind of girl"."Damn right Butterfly..My one and only".

She kisses me sweetly before Austin holds his hand up."I don't know how you put up with my sister but good luck"."Please I got the good, bad ,and ugly with your sister.I don't think it can get any worse".

"What?I'm perfect".

"You're overprotective".

"That's a good thing".

"You are way too mean to new people".

"It's just my personality.I'm not changing for anyone".

"And let's not mention you talk in your sleep".

I gasp and say "I do not!".

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