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"Well..Well...Well...look at you love".

I narrow my eyes at her and she smiles.The way that her blue eyes were staring at me was making me feel things that I didn't want to feel.

"Getting all dressed up for me" ."And why the hell would I do that?".

"I mean it's obvious you have interest in me"."If you really think that, you must be delusional".

"May I have a dance?"."No".

She frowns and I turn away."Playing hard to get.You know that only makes me want you more, Zoe"."I don't give a shit, Banks".

"What can I do to get my hands on your body"."Fucking die".

She laughs at this before rubbing the back of her neck.As if it was the funniest thing I've ever said to her.

I try to not notice how gorgeous her smile is.

"I'd go to hell easily if I can have you".

I roll my eyes and walk away.She grabs my arm and says "Come on Zo.Tell me what I have to do".

I turn my head around and glare at her."Your a bitch.You think you're pretty looks can get you anything and everything you want"."Did you just call me pretty?".

I roll my eyes again and say "Of course that is what you are worried about.True was right".

Her eyes darken at her name and I smirk at her satisfied.

"What did she say?"."That you're childish.And now I think she's right.You're a fucking child that gets everything they want.Well let me tell you, Banks.You aren't getting me".

"Aww love.Thats the first thing you really understand about me".


She leans forward and says "I always get what I want"."You won't get me".

She roll her eyes and says "Zoe stop this shit.Let me show you how much I can do to you.I just need 30 minutes"."Of course it would be Sexual".

"What?"."You take things Sexual right?There's no way you could win me over without doing something sexual.You're right about one thing".

She tilts her head as I step up to her.

"Your sex appeal is high as fuck.But your personality is shit.Why would I waste my time with someone who can't even treat my mother right"."I am sorry".

I stop in my tracks and turn around."What?".

"You fucking heard me.I'm sorry for treating your mother that way.Can that be done".

Fuck I did not expect her to apologize.Banks Carrington has always been on a high horse.I didn't think it would take a few threats for her to jump off it.

Did she really like me that much?Banks shifts her weigh to the other foot and stares at me.

"What I did to your mom was a bitch move.I guess I let the worst in me get out.So my bad, love.But on the other hand..that's just who I am"."Who you are..so your just mean as fuck to people for no reason".

Not Just Enemies (Callister Academy 1)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now