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"So you and Zoe are pretty serious huh?".

I glance over at Emilia and say "Real serious"."So you
Love her?".

"I told her that already".Emilia gasps and says "And she said it back?".

I nod my head and she gushes."Oh my god! You two are automatically my favorite couple ever!I need to think of a ship name".

"Please shut up".

Zoe walks over and grabs my hand.She kisses my cheek before glancing over at Emilia.

"So stepsisters.You know you could pass off as real sisters"."Stop egging her on, Butterfly".

"OMG you call her butterfly?!?!?Thats it.I'm a complete shipper of Zanks?Boe?"."Please stop"Zoe adds.

"I'll find the perfect ship name for you two"."I'd rather you not".

We walk out of the dorm to see Austin waiting."Bankssss great.It's so great to see you my favorite twin sister!".

I give him a disgusted looks and he looks at me nervous.

"So I have something to talk to you about".

I frown and he rubs the back of his neck."It's..Its uh about Stella".

Stella?He wants to talk about Stella in front of Zoe?

I drop Zoe's hand in a flash and grab my brothers collar.

I pull him away from them and say "What?"."Stella..she uh..heard about Dad getting married and well..she's traveling back to London this week.Dad found out this morning and texted me to tell you".

My eyes narrow and I push him back."I don't care"."Yes you do".

I walk past him and he grabs my arm."She's our older sister, Banks"."She's your older sister,not mine.She's dead to me".

"You don't mean that"."I do.She left us the second she turned got that offer and never looked back.And now she wants to come back?Fuck her".

Austin frowns as I walk past him and Zoe.Zoe narrows her eyes at Austin before jogging to catch up to me.

"Hey baby what's wrong?"."Don't want to talk about it".

"Whose Stella?"Emilia asks."A cunt"I snap back.

"Okay..not someone you like.Got that down pack.Well whenever you are ready, I'll be here here!"Emilia says happily.I ignore her and walk into the building.
Two days later

I spot Zoe at a table outside reading so I walk over.She looks up from her book and smiles at me softly.

"Hey Icy hot"."Butterfly".

She puckers her lips and I kiss her playfully. I sit at the top of the table and she leans back.I pull my phone out to see a text from my father

Father:Stella is coming in tonight so we will have a family dinner


Not Just Enemies (Callister Academy 1)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now