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I walk downstairs and grab a water for Banks.She looked so perfect ..she always looks perfect.


I turn around to see Taylor rushing over to me."How about that dance?"."Uh..no right now Taylor.I'm busy".

"Could I have a moment of your time.Just five minutes tops".

I look down at the water bottle and nod my head.She walks to the side of the house.I turn to her and she looks at me nervous.

"What did you want to talk about Taylor?"."I just..Are you happy with Banks?".

Basing off the fact I just ate her out in the bathroom, I would have to definitely say yes.

"Why are you asking me that?".She plays with her fingers and looks back up at me."I can treat you better".

My eyes go wide before I frown."I see"."Just give me a chance".

"I'm dating Banks"."She doesn't have to know".

"Hmm let me stop you there.I'm not cheating on Banks.I don't know what mixed signals I was giving you but I'm going to end it now.I simply want a friendship.Nothing more and nothing less"."But-".

"-I should get back".

I go to turn around before she pulls me back and crashes her lips on mine.

Was she a good kisser?


Was Banks a better kisser?

Fuck yea.

I break the kiss and glare at her harshly."Do that again and I'm going break your jaw".

She looks at me shocked as I wipe my lips off before walking back into the party.I walk back upstairs to find Banks still waiting for me.I hand her the water and she opens it.

"Everything okay?"."Perfect Icy Hot".

She nods her head and leans against the mirror."I want Tacos"."That's random".

She rolls her eyes and looks at her nails."These parties are always lame as hell.I just have to be there as the head cheerleader"."Oh?So you have been here for what?20 minutes?How about we leave this place?".

"No can do.I still have to stay here at least an hour".She jumps off the counter and says "We should go back downstairs".

"Why people already know we fuck"."Hmm I guess you're right.But apparently Athena is going to make a move on Layla tonight".

"Now that I have to see".

I grab her hand and lead her out of the bathroom.She stops and I turn around confused.

"Come on-".

She holds up her phone and says "What the fuck is this, Zoe?".

My eyes go wide when she shows me a picture of me kissing Taylor.

That bitch set me up?

Not Just Enemies (Callister Academy 1)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now