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We walk over to the door and knock but no one answers.

"Really?She doesn't hear the fucking door?".Zoe sighs and says"Come on.We can just go to the bed room.We won't hear it as much".

"Fuck no.My girl needs her sleep and she will get it".

I turn the knob and roll my eyes."She left it unlocked on purpose".

I open the door and grab Zoe's hand.

"Banks I don't think-".I press my finger to her lip and say "I got this".

Zoe sighs and nods her head.We walk into the dorm and the noises were definitely getting loud.She was fucking someone.

I open the door and my eyes go wide.Holy shit.I quickly cover Zoe's eyes and she grunts at me.

"Seriously Banks?".

Thalia turns around and smirks at us."I didn't know I left the door unlocked"."Bullshit".

Thalia tilts her head at me and I take in her frame.She was gorgeous,perfect body too.

She just didn't compare to Zoe.

Thalia smirks and get off the girl who was catching her breathe.

"You aren't going to look me in the eye,Zo".

I glare at her as Zoe takes my hand off her eyes and puts my arm around her shoulder.She looks at Thalia up and down,fully accessing her body.

She then looks her in the eye with a determined look on her face.

Thalia looks at her shocked and says "No snarky comment?"."Don't have one.Just shut the fuck up.Your fucking is ruining my sleep".

"And what if your sleeping is ruining my fucking".

I tilt my head confused as Zoe grunts."Just shut up,Thalia.It's 3 am.You could literally be doing anything".

"And what if I wanted to be fucking".

Zoe's eyes grow cold and she clenched her teeth."Why are you so fucking difficult?"."I didn't realize I was being difficult.I was simply asking a question".

Zoe smiles and says "Fuck you".

I hold in a laugh as she turns around and walks away.I follow behind her and we walk back over to her dorm.

She walks in and says"I'm going to shower.Then you can take one yourself"."Or-".

"-We are not saving water.Wait after me".

I frown as she walks away.So not fun.I flop on the couch and pull my phone on.

Me:You guys want to go get something to eat tomorrow morning?
Athena:I'm down!
Austin:I would love too!But shouldn't you be giving Zoe some of that Carrington magic
Me:1.Ew.And two she's taking a shower
Jace:And you are in there with her?Lame
Cade:That would be so hot
Jace:Whi invited this asshat to the group chat
Cade:If you must know,I invited myself
Austin:Let's block him
Cade:What!I thought we were best friends?!?
Me:Alright I don't want to hear any of this.How about our usual spot at 10am?
Austin:Say hi to Zoe for me
Me:Fuck off

Not Just Enemies (Callister Academy 1)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now