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I frown at Zoe and Layla before True smirks at me."Whats the matter?".

"I wanted to be pulled in the store by Zoe".

True rolls her eyes and we follow them into the story.

"Layla look!"."God she's like a kid in a candy store"I say amused.

"That's your girlfriend"."That is my butterfly".

True smiles softly as Layla holds up a Lego box."Zoe look!You remember we used to make these at Baba's house!".

Zoe eyes go wide and she rushes over."We have to get it"."I'll get it for you,butterfly".

Zoe eyes jet to me and she says "Really?"."I'll buy you anything you want".

"Simp" Cody and True whisper at the same time.

"I am not!"."Hmm I'm sorry to tell you this Banks but you kinda are.And hey there's nothing wrong with that.My best friend is a bad bitch so you should treat her like one".

Zoe and Layla high five and I shake my head.Zoe walks over and plants a soft kiss on my cheek.

I glare at them and Zoe smiles."Don't mind them, Icy Hot. Thank you baby"."What if I wanted to buy it for you"Layla says.

I glare at her and she smirks at me.

"Like hell you are.She's my girlfriend and I'm treating her.So Fuck off.I'm getting it for her".

Layla laughs and says "Don't have to tell me twice".
Zoe clenches my cheek and says 0Be nice"."Yea Banks be nice".

Zoe snaps her head to Layla so fast that Layla jumps slightly."And you.Stop provoking Icy Hot"."Yes ma'am"

I snatch the box out of Layla's hand and walk over to Zoe."Is there anything else you want,Butterfly?".

Zoe thinks and shakes her head."No I don't think so Banks"."If there is anything don't be afraid to tel me".

I walk over to the register and buy the box for her before holding it.

"I can carry it banks"."I got it".

Zoe shakes her head at me and says "So any other places you guys want to go?".

"Banks Baby you really didn't have to buy all of this for me".

I look down at the five extra bags i was holding as we walk out of the mall.I shrug and says "If Butterfly wants it, I will give it to her".

"Simp"Jace and Athena say.

I glare at them harshly and they whistle looking away.Headmaster turns around and looks down at all the bags in my hand.

"Uh..Zoe who bought you all of that?".Zoe looks at her mom confused and says "Banks did".

Headmaster looks back at me before smirking at her daughter."That's my girl".

Not Just Enemies (Callister Academy 1)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now