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After eating Zoe out twice,we walk out of the locker room, holding hands.I had a big smile on my face as Zoe rolled her eyes at me playfully.

"I think you're a sex addict?"."Come on now Zoe,we have been dating for six months and you just now realized how addicted I am to your sex?You need to be a little bit more observant".

"Fuck you".

I laugh before shrugs softly"Though be honest it isn't my fault,I think you have the best pussy in the world"."Tell me something I don't know".

I laugh as she smiles at me.

"There's my favorite couple!I was wondering if you two were going to be late for dinner"Austin says.I tilt my head and say "Dinner?I think I went straight to dess-".

Zoe covers my mouth and smiles at my brother."You saved us a seat right?"."Of course I did!".

Zoe gives me a quick glare before following him into the cafeteria.I know that look from Zoe too well.

It simply meant 'Behave Banks'.It wasn't my fault that I was brutally honest.

A few people glance over at Zoe but when they saw me glaring at them, they looked away.

There was a campus ban on Zoe Hassan issued by me last semester.

ANYONE who touched, flirted and or fucking daydreamed about my butterfly would have to deal with me.

I'm pretty sure everyone understood my warning after one of my freshman cheerleaders was harassing my butterfly during our summer practice.

It's was only two weeks before the semester started and I guess she wanted to get a head start on dating.

I told her that Zoe was mine and that it would end well for her if she kept flirting with her.

I warned her afterwards to stop fucking messing with my girlfriend and even then she didn't listen.

So she got was handed to her and now?

She was out for the season with a broken hand.

Did I feel bad?

Sure but I fucking warned her twice to stop flirting with Zoe.It's her fault that it happened to her.

We get to table and I put Zoe in my lap.She chuckles before moving her body to side.

"You two are late"Layla says joking."Banks can never keep her hands to herself".

"When you look like that? Of course I wouldn't be able to keep my hands off you,butterfly".

She rolls her eyes and reach over to grab a bite of her vegetables."How was practice?"Cody asks."It was good".

"Good?My bitch scored a goal!"True says happily."I knew it was a good idea to persuade you to try out for the soccer team"Layla says nodding her head.

"Persuade?You told me that if I didn't get my lazy ass up and try out for the soccer team you wouldn't bake me those strawberry cheesecake cookie you make for me every birthday".

Not Just Enemies (Callister Academy 1)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now