Prologue for Not Just Rivals

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Since I have Not Just Rivals coming out in a month...I thought..why not give a sneak peak!

Age 28

Being a mother is a gift.

It's the joy of being able to be care and nurture someone who means the world to you.I wanted nothing more than to give my wife,Zoe, that same opportunity.

After a few internships,small jobs, and the brink of her 24th birthday,Butterfly decided that she wanted to have a child.

And four years ago, the love of my life gave birth to our daughter.She was the most precious being I've ever laid my eyes on.

A lot of research led us to the baby father who is literally the most amazing person in the world.We used his eggs and in return we paid him and his mothers debts off easily.

She had Zoe's green eyes and blonde hair.A lot of money was provided to find someone who had my similar traits so that the child who look like me.

There's was no amount of money in the world that stop me from making Zoe happy.She wanted a family and I was happy to give it to butterfly.

And with this,Astrid Wren Carrington was born.And now?

She was one troublemaking four year old just like me.

"Astrid! I did not just get off of the phone with your Grandma to hear you gave her toilet water in a glass!"Zoe yells."Mama!"Astrid giggles.

I shake my head and scope up Astrid in my arms.She laughs as I start to tickle her.

Zoe appears around the corner and huffs when she sees me.

"Banks you can keep letting our daughter get away with everything".I squish Astrid's cheeks together and say "How can I not! Look how adorable she is! Look how precious she is!".

"Yea mommy's right!Mama look how precious I am!".Zoe folds her arms and shakes her head.

"What am I going to do with you"."Give me a kiss".

Zoe smiles and kisses me sweetly."Me too, Mama!".

Zoe kisses Astrid before ruffling her hair.I look around and say "Where's Nico?"."He's 13 years old.He's probably doing stupid shi-stuff".

I give her a look and she shakes her head.Nico still lived with Mama Hassan and Mr.Hassan but he would crash here when he wanted some sisterly love.And because he missed me.

"Im here!".

Nico walks over and looks around."Where's As-".

He stops and holds his arms out.I look at Zoe and she nods.I hand Nico Astrid and he pinches her cheeks.

"She's so cute!So cute!".Astrid grunts and I laugh.

"You are just like you mother"I say.Zoe slaps the back of my head and claps her hands together.

"Alright so.Who is in the mood for Stuffed chicken for dinner?Maybe some mashed potatoes and Brussels sprouts"."Ew Vegetables"Nico and Astrid say.

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