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"Is this not an adequate Earth greeting?"

Did this man, er, alien, just ask me that?

Holding my hand, or rather cradling it with such a gentle touch, he told me, "Aanya of House Patel, I swear on my honour as a Rhodinian warrior that I will not harm you and will do everything in my power to protect you from harm."

And he asked me if that wasn't adequate?

"It– it's adequate," I choked out and let go of his hand.

Ronan tilted his head, quizzical.

"Please, please stand up." My cheeks heated. Seeing him kneeling in front of me did funny things to my insides.

"As you wish." Ronan stood, towering over me again.

"Usually, for a handshake, you grab the person's hand and shake it like this." I took his hand firmly and shook it. His hand was big and warm, and mine. I almost didn't want to let go, but I did. His touch was the first welcome touch I'd felt in so long.

"You don't have to say... what you said." I cleared my throat.

Ronan nodded. "Thank you for teaching me the ways of your people. I am honoured."

"Thanks for learning. And what do your people do to–" I was cut off by Ronan turning sharply to the corridor.

"The Szenists return. With the youngling," he said, eyes sharp.

I couldn't hear anything, but I believed him. The sc-en-ests must be the name for the lizardmen. I sounded out the unfamiliar word in my brain. A sudden lightness filled my chest. My bluff worked! They were bringing Lani back to me.

Soon, two Szenists rounded the corner with Lani in tow and a cart full of supplies. My usual tray of food sat on top of the cart.

My stomach rumbled. I hadn't eaten since dinner yesterday.

Ronan startled at the noise, brow furrowing. I crossed my arms over my stomach. So I was hungry, sue me!

"Move to the back of your cell. If you use your vocal weapon, Specimen 001 will be removed."

"Ya, ya." I complied and moved to the back of the cell, holding my hands up.

One came in and placed Lani on the cot, and the other pushed the cart in. They shut my cage door and left.

I rushed over to Lani, gathering her in my arms. She was clean, swaddled in a blanket. She was okay. Closing my eyes, I breathed in her unique baby scent. Tears welled in my eyes. When the relief of having her back hit me, my fatigue also returned. I sat on my cot with Lani in my arms, muscles weak.

"I'm so sorry," I mumbled against the top of her head, the little tufts of blonde hair tickling my lips. Sorry that I couldn't save your mom. Sorry that I couldn't get us to the escape pods. Sorry that we were stuck in this hellhole.

"You've protected your youngling admirably." Ronan's voice rumbled from his cell.

"I'm trying." I sighed. It felt weird to think of Lani as my baby, or youngling, as Ronan called her, but that's what she was, wasn't she? Her mom gave her to me to protect.

"How old is she?" Ronan asked, eyes soft on Lani. Right, he'd never seen a baby before. I shifted her in my arms so he could get a better view of her. She was sleeping peacefully, unbothered by all the movement. Her little breaths came in slow puffs.

I spoke softly, not wanting to wake her. "She was born earlier today? Yesterday? I don't know how long I was knocked out for."

Ronan gave me an incredulous look. "You gave birth only yesterday?"

"Me? God, no." I laughed.

Ronan crossed his arms across his expansive chest. "Is she not your youngling?"

"She's mine," I replied defensively, eyes cutting to him. "But no, I didn't give birth to her."

I explained what had happened when Lani's mom freed me to help her give birth as Lani slumbered on.

Ronan shook his head. "That is... unbelievable."

"Well, believe it, buddy, 'cause it happened." I winced at the pain in my throat from all the screaming and being choked. It sure as heck happened.

Holding her with one arm, I dug into my food with relish. They fed me mush, but it was nutritious mush because it kept me going.

Ronan's eyes darkened. "Have they been starving you?"

I swallowed my mouthful. "No, the last time I ate was dinner the day before Lani was born." Missing a day of food wasn't bad; I'd done it before, but I used a ton of energy yesterday, and it made me ravenous.

Ronan gave me a blank look. "How often do you eat?"

"Breakfast, lunch, and dinner." I counted off on my fingers. Duh.

He blinked at me. "You need to eat three times a day?"

"Yes... you don't?" I raised a brow.

"Goddess, no. Once a day, if that. I've sustained myself for months on water alone."

"Well, good for you, alien. I need three meals a day." I grumbled. "And Lani here needs to eat way more than that." I tried to remember what I could about babies. My neighbour used to complain about how much her newborn used to need to feed. "She'll need to feed every like three or four hours, I think."

Ronan inclined his head. "Noted."

I caught a whiff of Lani. Yikes, rank. Time for a diaper change.

"You're a stinky little baby, aren't you?" I said to her using a baby voice. I couldn't help myself.

Lani's eyes popped open, and she cooed, blue eyes bright. At least there was one good thing in this hellhole. Ronan looked at her with awe in his eyes.

I laid her on the cot and unwrapped her. Her chubby little arms shot upwards, free of her swaddling. Lani didn't cry, big eyes curious and exploring everything she could see.

Using the supplies given to me by the lizardmen, I cleaned her up the best I could and tied on a cloth diaper of sorts. My knowledge of caring for babies came from watching TV shows, but hopefully, I could muddle through.

Humming soothing sounds, I lifted Lani up, revealing something I never thought I'd see. I gasped.

My gaze shot to Ronan, who was staggering backward at the sight. Lani gave me a gummy, oblivious smile.

I gaped at the two of them. "Oh my God, she has wings."

✶ ☾ ✶


Aaand they find out Lani has wings. Thoughts? Who do you think her parents are? 

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Virtually yours,


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