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(due to scenes of violence and sexual activity some videos for the audio of the story may not play unless you go directly to my youtube channel, ro singh! also, thank you to everyone who listens to the story and subscribes on youtube!! i'm hoping to be able to monetize my videos on there to be able to spend more time writing. now, on with the story!) 


"We don't need to do this," Ronan said, as if he could sense my apprehension. His low, accented voice came out gravelly, still thick with sleep.

He knelt next to my bed, his calloused hand comforting and warm on my shoulder from when he comforted me from my horrid nightmare. The lizardmen had been torturing him and this time they didn't stop until I was staring at Ronan's glassy, lifeless eyes. I would never let that happen. I drew my eyes away from him and up to the metal ceiling of our cage.

If I was being honest with myself, I didn't really want to lose my virginity on display in a cage. I trusted Ronan and, if I was being really, really honest, found him smokin' hot. The perfect mix of alien and alluring. Despite my attraction, my nerves were still at an all-time high. But what other choice did we have?

"We– We have to." My words came out whispery and tremulous. I wouldn't let my nightmare come true. I'd do anything to stop it. "They'll come back again with their shock sticks if we don't and–"

"No." Ronan interrupted, voice still low enough that the guards down the hall wouldn't be able to hear. "We can..." he paused, looking for the right word. "Pretend."

"Pretend?" My brow furrowed until understanding dawned. Pretend. We could totally do that. The guards were down the hall and the camera angle would just need to see Ronan on top of me. He'd have to come so we had evidence of the act, but we could do that. I could give him a handjob, no problem. No problem at all. I'd never done it before, but it couldn't be that hard, right?

"Pretend." I repeated, nodding. "Totally, makes sense." The itty bitty part of me that was almost excited to have sex with Ronan frowned, but I ignored it.

I held my breath in a mixture of anticipation and nerves as Ronan moved closer from his kneeling position next to my cot.

"Breathe," Ronan said with the faintest hint of a smile as he put a hand on the centre of my chest. I took a steadying breath. And then another. He didn't take his hand away until my racing heartbeat slowed.

His touch, his closeness, it filled some sort of craving in me. I'd been alone for so long. It filled me with an ache for more.

But we had a pretend-sex-thing to get on with for the lizardmen. What did we need to do next? Right, taking off of the clothes. I could do that. I could do this all one step at a time.

My fingers twitched at my sides, fiddling with the hem of the white, gauzy dress the lizardmen had kept me in. All I had under the dress was underwear.

Taking another steadying breath, I grabbed the dress and pulled it off above my head in one fell swoop, startling Ronan.

I dropped the dress on the ground, but couldn't ignore the embarrassment filling my every pore. Ronan's expression had morphed from one of surprise to pure, unadulterated rapture.

My hands immediately went to cover my breasts, heat rushing to my cheeks. There he was, looking like Adonis, and I could never–

"Don't hide from me." Ronan all but growled as he gently pulled my hands down, cutting off my thoughts. Short-circuiting my thoughts, really, with his wickedly sensual mouth.

"You are magnificent." The words practically purred out of him, sounding utterly delicious from his lips.

My cheeks heated even more, so I joked to brush it off. "I'm sure you tell that to all the girls."

He didn't reply, but the heated look he gave made me feel like the centre of the universe. The galaxy. The centre of wherever the heck we were.

Remembering the camera, my gaze darted up to it, taking me out of the moment. I shifted, looking away. Noticing my discomfort, Ronan moved so that his muscled body was above mine, blocking me from the view of the camera. That also meant he was hovering above me, body hot and–

His fingertips ghosted the edge of the granny panties the lizardmen had given me, jolting me out of my thoughts.

"You don't– you don't need to do that." I couldn't get the shakiness and the darn stutter out of my throat. He didn't need to do anything for me for this pretend thing to work. But that didn't stop the pang of need that shot through me at his touch.

"Yes, I do." His voice was hoarse, guttural. "I need to if we want this to be realistic. No Rhodinian male wouldn't bring a female pleasure first."

"What, like, they teach you that in school?" I snorted at my own joke.

He blinked at me, not comprehending the joke. "... yes."

I blinked back at him. "You're not seriously telling me that they teach you how to have sex in school?"

He shrugged. "It's optional, but yes. I don't know anyone who didn't learn. There are not enough females for us to learn on our own, so older females teach us."

His grin turned wicked. "I earned top marks."

That grin sent delicious shivers up my spine as I looked up at him.

✶ ☾ ✶



That's all I have to say. 

Comments and votes are much appreciated.

Virtually yours,


P.S. Wanna see some spicy art of this scene? Join my spicy supporters tier on Patreon for the uncensored version!

 Wanna see some spicy art of this scene? Join my spicy supporters tier on Patreon for the uncensored version!

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