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"Welcome to the Tribunal," the older Rhodinian female at the centre of the room said, voice loud and commanding. My head was so foggy. Why couldn't I focus on her words?

My two guards let go of me and I almost slumped forward, body weak from hunger and fatigue. Shit, I was tired. I wanted a fat hamburger and to sleep for a week straight. But instead, I had to be in this Tribunal thing.

I winced at the light streaming in through the skylight. The room was white and bright, lit by sunlight unlike the unnatural bright whiteness of the lizardmen's lab. I could appreciate the beauty of the room, but I'd appreciate food, a bed, and Ronan a lot more.

The main boss lady sat at the centre of the row of Rhodinians, regal and poised. Most of the others were males, but there were one or two other women. A few of the seats were empty and another row of smaller chairs sat behind the big throne-like chairs.

I frowned, my brain slow to process what was going on. Was this like a council of sorts? Was I in trouble? I glared at Drogan. This was all his fault. Why didn't he let me stay with Ronan? Ugh!

The lady said something else and Drogan cleared his throat. "We found this female with Commander Hawke. He is severely injured–"

"And you think I hurt him?" I cut in, scoffing. I turned to face the lineup of people, fed up with all this. "No way, the lizardmen hurt him. We–we were abducted. Well, I was. He was there to–to find his cousin." I stumbled over my words. Fuck, my head was pounding. My stomach ached. Hell, my whole body ached. I shivered, cold. I wrapped my arms around myself to ward off the chills.

But I fought through it and went on. "The lizardmen, they experimented on us. And there's more–where's Ronan?" I glared pointedly at Drogan. "He can help me explain."

Drogan's face was stone.

"Please," I ground out. Yes, I resorted to begging. "Just bring Ronan here and we can explain."

Drogan opened his mouth but the lady finally spoke again, cutting him off. "This female didn't harm Commander Hawke. How could she? Look at her? No wings, no claws."

The rest of the Rhodinians gathered nodded, looking at me.

Okay, rude lady. I frowned again. I got the feeling these people, er, aliens, would be making me frown a lot.

Who was she calling weak? But I didn't object. I didn't hurt Ronan, or Commander Hawke as they called him and she seemed to agree with me.

She watched me, eyes calculating. "As a new female on Rhodin, you'll need to choose a suitable male."

I froze. A what now? I held up a hand. "Wait, I–"

She went on like I didn't say anything. "In accordance with Section 14.6.7 of Rhodinian law, you may choose any Rhodinian male for a term of twenty spans, after which you may enter the marriage pool again if the match is not to your liking; however, that will be unlikely given that we have a group of males from the best houses in Rohdin." She waved a hand and a bunch of winged men, or males, as Mrs. Official kept saying, stood from their chairs behind the throne-thingies.

The what now? Marriage?

I studied them. They all bore resemblance to the people they sat behind– perhaps sons? Family? What the hell was going on? I fought the urge to literally growl, I was so irritable. I just wanted food and Ronan. Was that too much to ask for? I didn't want a husband!

I shook my head, my throat tightening. "I don't understand– I have to marry one of these guys?"

"Yes. The marriage law," she said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. Well, I wasn't from this world, ma'am!

I rubbed my arms, trying to warm myself up. Why was I so cold?

"No offence guys, you all seem uh, great, but I don't know any of you." I gave the politest smile I could muster. I could barely even focus on their faces, my brain was so foggy right now.

"If you cannot decide, I offer myself." One of them said, voice stuffy. "My family will provide well for you. The best."

Another male with similar purple skin to Ronan spoke up. "Are you not engaged to Seraphina of House Yona?"

The pompous one squared his shoulders, wings flaring. "No other match can compare to this, and my House agrees. A female of breeding age– we all know the respect that would bring our House."

Of breeding age? Did he really just say that? What the actual fuck? I rubbed my brow, trying to fight off my headache. Shit, I just wanted to sit down. I needed Ronan, where was he?

Another male stepped forward. "I volunteer as well."

"I offer myself," said another.

The guy with Ronan's purple skin spoke again. "What are you buffoons doing? Obviously, we all volunteer ourselves, we're here, are we not? This is Aanya of House ... well I'm not sure what her House is, but this is Aanya's choice."

The lady cleared her throat. "Alarik of House Adontris, this would be a fine pairing. I give this pairing my blessing."

The pompous ass seemed smug. Must be Alarik, bleh.

"No, I object." Some other guy went on, blah, blah, blah.

My head hurt and I was so tired. What was I doing here? I looked around. Ronan? Where was Ronan?

Lani wailed at my chest but nobody heard over all their arguing.

I couldn't focus and Lani was crying and they were yelling at each other and everything hurt. Fuck, I didn't feel good. The room spun.

I leaned over towards the younger guard. What was his name? Taren? Taler? Talios? Talion, maybe?

"Hey, you." I motioned at him.

He looked over his shoulder like I was talking to someone else then looked back at me when there was nobody there.

"Me?" He pointed at himself, eyebrows high on his forehead.

"Yes, you. Talion, Talion right?" I said, forcing the words out. My head pounded and I grimaced.

He nodded, stepping forward. "Yes, Talion." His eyes widened, taking in my face. "Are you alright?"

No, no, I most definitely wasn't. My thoughts wouldn't think right, but I knew I had to tell him something.

"I need you to swear. I need you to swear on your honour as a Rhodinian warrior," I said as I unwrapped Lani from my front, wavering on my feet.

"Huh?" He asked, glancing around but everyone else was bickering with each other. I stumbled and Talion held my arm, steadying me.

I met his gaze. He seemed honest enough, and I didn't have any other option right now. "Swear that you won't let anyone take her."

"I–I swear I'll do as you ask," he said, still confused but complying.

Carefully, I placed Lani in his arms, his expression filled with awe. Lani wailed, loud and angry.

He stared at her. "Is this–"

Something was going on by the doors, but I held onto Talion arms. I had to tell him something, something important. But I was so tired. Black spots clouded my vision.

"I need to–to find Ronan. I have to–"

I fell back and everything went black, but the last thing I remembered was strong arms catching me. 

✶ ☾ ✶


Aaaand the Tribunal started and abruptly ended lol - who do you think caught Aanya? 

What do you think is gonna happen next? I think it'll surprise you guys. 

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Virtually yours,


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