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My chest warmed as I looked up into his darkening eyes, our lips a breath apart–

"Ronan!" called a gruff voice from behind us, breaking the silence of the night.

I startled, jumping back from Ronan and twisting my neck to see who the heck that was. Ronan's Uncle Korath waited by the door, looking between us, brows furrowed as he tried to decipher what he'd interrupted.

Because he interrupted something, right?

I glanced back at Ronan. Did we almost just kiss? No, we didn't. We weren't like that. We couldn't just casually kiss like that because I'd want to turn it into something more and this isn't something more, this is just a fake marriage between two people who became friends by being forced together by psychotic lizardmen and married out of convenience, certainly not two people who got married out of love. 100% not that.

So, really, this Mr. Korath guy did us both a humongous favour by interrupting us.

Something somewhat frog-like ribbited from the wilderness beyond their house, or mansion, or compound or whatever you wanted to call it. It sure was bigger than the shoebox of an apartment I'd lived in on Earth.

Ronan cleared his throat, voice thick. "Yes, Uncle?" he asked, raising a brow.

"You've been summoned to a meeting." Korath stepped back inside.

Ronan waited for me to walk in front of him, following me as I walked in. He shut the door behind us, cutting off the odd wilderness sounds that were alien to the crickets I'd been used to on Earth.

I rubbed my hands together, warming them from the night's chill. It was hot as hell earlier, but had cooled considerably once the suns went down. It was still so weird to think that there were two suns here, not just one like on Earth.

"A meeting?" Ronan frowned. "At this time? It's–" Ronan started, but Korath cut him off.

"It's the High General." Korath's voice was serious.

Ronan's mouth fell shut, eyes unreadable. That seemed to shut him up.

My gaze darted between the two of them, trying to understand.

"Who's the High General?" I asked, crossing my arms. It was late, who would have a meeting right now? And so soon after getting back from literal captivity? It was time for sleep, not meetings.

"The High General of the Rhodinian military," Ronan answered, voice monotone.

I chewed my lip. Was that a good or bad thing?

I nodded. "Well, okay. Just let me get Lani settled here and I'll–"

"They summoned Ronan alone," Korath cut in again.

Oh. Right. Why would the High General of the Rhodinian military need to talk to me? Ronan was a commander, not me. I was just some random human woman caught up in all of this.

"I'll be back soon, Aanya. I'll sort this out and be back soon," Ronan assured me, but he didn't sound so assured himself. He sounded... nervous?

Well, I guess I'd be nervous about going to see the High General of the Rhodinian military too. But Ronan was always so confident, so sure of himself. I wished I could go with him.

His hand brushed mine as he left, sending the best shivers down my spine.

His hand flexed as he walked out the door with Korath.

My chest twinged as he left. I knew he had to go do this, but after being forcibly separated so many times, I still felt a phantom pain at him leaving.

Ronan's Aunt Mae walked in with a sleeping Lani at her front.

"The men left?" she asked, voice quiet so not to wake Lani, though I think at times she could sleep through a nuclear explosion.

"Yeah." I nodded. "A meeting with the High General?"

"Really?" Mae's shock was clear in her voice before smoothing out again. "Well, I'm sure it's nothing."

That was a lie if I'd ever heard one, but it wasn't like I could deny it. I wasn't invited to the meeting, what did I know?

Mae bounced Lani. "I took little Lani on a tour of the house and saw Ronan took you around already. I'll introduce you to the staff tomorrow, there's already been enough for one day. Though, they've set up your room near Ronan's, I'll take you there?"

"Please. I think I'll fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow." I gave a small smile.

"I understand that. You've been through an ordeal." Mae led the way to my room. "There's some traditions we should do with Lani, that're customary for a new birth." Mae started, but to be honest my tired brain tuned out most of it. "... and we should have a naming day ceremony for Lani, even though it's later due to the extenuating circumstances."

Right, "extenuating circumstances." Those circumstances being Lani born in captivity with both her parents dying.

"Will there be a funeral for Kier?" I asked gently.

"Oh, no." Mae shook her head. "We already had one when it'd been a year overdue since he didn't return from his diplomatic mission. It was still hard to accept he was dead though, and when we got the notification today, we thought that maybe..." she trailed off. "But I think I knew, deep down. Mothers know."

She blinked her misty eyes away and cleared her throat. "Ronan's mission was a last ditch attempt anyways. I don't even know if it was sanctioned. But I'm grateful he went- we wouldn't have Lani if he hadn't, yes?"

"Right," I said softly, taking Lani from her arms to put her to sleep.

Mae inclined her head elegantly. "Sleep well."

I didn't even take in the room, I just beelined for the bed and got Lani settled before sliding in next to her. I'd prefer a bassinet or crib for her, but this would work for now. At least this bed was better than the cot the lizardmen gave us.

As I laid down to sleep with Lani next to me, my thoughts spiralled. Was I best to take care of Lani or Ronan's Aunt Mae. She's raised Ronan and her son Kallum, she knew about this planet, this culture. I was just out of place here.  

✶ ☾ ✶


Not gonna lie, the hand flex was 100% inspired by Pride and Prejudice... IYKYK

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How're you doing? Update me in the comments and let's chat! I'm busy with work but I've also been having a fun holiday season!

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