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(make sure you read to the end for some 🥵 artwork!)


"Ronan," I whimpered as he pressed a hot kiss on the sensitive skin of my inner thigh.

The torture from the drug shifted to sexual need. His kisses, his touch– it all soothed that pain. I fisted the thin sheet covering my cot.

"So beautiful," he murmured, voice rough as he openly admired me with a hungry expression at me spread out before him..

I squirmed under his hot gaze. "Don't tease me, Ronan," I all but begged.

Ronan pulled away my underwear, ripping it in the process. His mouth opened in apology, but I couldn't care less and pulled the scrap of fabric from his fist, throwing it away. It was hot to see him lose control like that.

All I wanted was him. All I cared about right now was him. He pulled my legs further apart, looking down at my slit.

Ronan's lips curled upwards, blue eyes shooting up to me. "Can I have a taste?"

"Anything," was all I could get out. Anything he wanted, he could have.

A hot flash hit me, the drug urging me on. I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to breathe through the pain. I reached for Ronan and held onto his hand until the pain passed and I opened my eyes again.

His gaze locked with mine and it just reminded me of how gorgeous he was. He'd be way out of my league back on Earth. God, I wanted to kiss him on the lips. I fought the urge, knowing that he didn't want to. He hadn't kissed me yet to keep things impersonal.

Ronan leaned forward, tongue tracing my slit, teasing me. I shuddered underneath him as he ate me out, the pleasure unlike anything I'd felt before. God, this felt pretty personal.

I fisted his soft hair as his tongue circled my sensitive clit.

I was obscenely wet as Ronan pushed a finger in me. My pleasure doubled, tripled, quadrupled.

He added another finger, the steady rhythm unfaltering all while his hot mouth teased my clit. My core squeezed around his fingers, seizing strong enough to feel both of them.

Ronan added a third finger, hooking them around and hitting a sensitive spot inside of me that I hadn't even known existed. That combined with him pulling my clit right into his mouth, sucking hard, sent me spiralling over the edge. I gasped as my core convulsed, squeezing his fingers hard.

The orgasm gave me a temporary reprieve from the pain of the breeding drug, but it came back with a vengeance. A stabbing pain shot up my spine.

I yanked off my dress, needing my skin-on-skin contact. Sweat all but poured off of me. Ronan did the same, pulling off his pants.

I laid back out on the cot in front of him, still pulsing with the aftershocks of the intense orgasm Ronan gave me. He knelt between my legs, his cock hard and dripping with precum from the mushroom head. The pain from the drug stabbed my stomach and I winced.

Ronan didn't waste time, coming back to me to explore all my exposed skin. His calloused fingers twirled my nipples, sending the best shivers down my spine. I arched into him. "Ronan," I moaned. The pain abated, down to a dull throb.

I looked down his body and wished that I could see him better but the lighting wasn't great. Ronan's cock was long and thick– bigger than any I'd ever seen in my limited experience. His cock was dark purple with prominent veins running up and down the sides. There was another part to his cock, something hooked above it, but I couldn't see it properly. An alien part of his physiology.

I sucked in a breath in anticipation, core clenching at the idea of him filling me.

"I need you inside me, please," I begged.

Ronan stilled, his hard cock pressed against me. "Are you sure, Aanya?"

"We need to ban that phrase from your vocabulary." I parrotted his earlier phrase with a cheeky smile. But nonetheless, I nodded. "I'm sure, Ronan."

The tip of his cock, wet with precum, brushed against my swollen clit, reigniting my every last nerve ending. I bit back a gasp.

"I wish this could be better for you. Not here, not now..." Ronan trailed off, anguished.

Yes, I was a virgin. Yes, I didn't think I'd lose my virginity trapped in a cell by lizardmen high on a breeding drug, but I wanted to be with Ronan.

The pain from RD-5290 stabbed through me like a hot poker. "I need you," was all I could get out.

"I'll go slow." He pressed the head of his cock against my core. "I'll make this good for you, I promise." Ronan's rough voice came out barely controlled, pupils blown out with lust.

I didn't want slow, I wanted hard and fast and– I'm pretty sure that was the RD-5290 speaking. Or maybe it was me.

"I've never wanted anyone more than I want you right now," Ronan growled out, anticipation building in my core. 

✶ ☾ ✶



Who would you cast as Aanya and Ronan? Leave your suggestions in the comments!!

Aaand this is the most smut I've ever written. Hope you're liking it! Drop some 🔥🔥🔥 emojis in the comments if you're enjoying it!😏

Comments and votes are much appreciated.

Virtually yours,


P.S. feast your eyes on the gorgeous artwork of this scene!! The NSFW version of this is on my Patreon 😏

 feast your eyes on the gorgeous artwork of this scene!! The NSFW version of this is on my Patreon 😏

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This was done by Nya, the lovely @guardianofshadows on IG! 

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