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I sucked in a breath of anticipation as Ronan leaned in closer. I closed my eyes and just as our lips were about to meet, a knock abruptly sounded at the door.

I jumped back, eyes shooting open. So much for a continuation of what we'd started at the waterfall yesterday.

Ronan's expression transformed from one of affection to surprise and mild frustration. His eyes widened as he pulled back, a furrow forming on his brow. The interruption cast a momentary shadow over the intimate atmosphere, leaving a palpable sense of longing in the air.

The interruption left us in a suspended moment with the potential of that interrupted kiss lingering like an unfulfilled promise. The tension between us became a poignant reminder of the fleeting nature of such intimate moments, and we exchanged a brief, shared gaze that hinted at the mutual disappointment of what could have been.

"Come in," I called, and the door to my room slid open with a whoosh.

Vrux stood in the doorway. "Apologies, I hope I'm not interrupting?"

I gave Vrux a tight smile and lied, "No, no. What is it, Vrux?"

"It is Miss Lani's bedtime and you requested that I collect you for an, erm, bedtime lullaby?" Vrux said the word hesitantly, but much better pronunciation than the male in the caf.

"Oh, right, yes." I nodded, standing up. I'd forgotten that I'd asked that of Vrux. I figured things would be more hectic on the ship and I always wanted some uninterrupted time with Lani at the end of the day, like when my parents had read me stories before bed. They were some of my most cherished memories and I wanted that with Lani.

I slipped into her room and sang to her softly. I thought I'd try a new song for her tonight.

Alouette, gentille alouette

Alouette, je te plumerai

Je te plumerai la tête

Je te plumerai la tête

Et la tête, et la tête

Alouette, Alouette

Oh, oh, oh, oh

Alouette, gentille alouette

Alouette, je te plumerai

I sang to Lani as she drifted off but I didn't notice Ronan, standing just past the open doorway, watching with a softness in his eyes that I'd never seen.

Je te plumerai le bec

Je te plumerai le bec

Et le bec, et le bec

Et la tête, et la tête

Alouette, Alouette

Oh, oh, oh, oh

Alouette, gentille alouette

Alouette, je te plumerai

Je te plumerai le cou

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