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Abandoning my breakfast, I followed Eco to see what the package was. I had Lani tied to my front who was watching everything with her big purple eyes.

Boxes and boxes and boxes were piled by the front door. I tore one open and peered inside. It was clothes! Clothes and jewellery and who knows what.

I slapped a hand over my face. "Oh my God, Ronan went overboard with ordering things. We don't need all this!"

"No, this is just enough for a wardrobe." Mae frowned, looking at the boxes. "If anything, he should have ordered more. But no bother, I'll take you shopping as well at some point. I've always wanted a girl to spoil..." she trailed off, eyes going distant before she brightened again. "And now, I have two."

"But this is all really too much. It's much more than I picked out. I have to return this!" My voice went high at the end.

"No, you won't." Mae said, ever serene. "Ronan had to get this. It would reflect poorly on him if he didn't provide clothes for his wife. It would reflect poorly on him and on his House," she said, almost chiding me. "It's a point of pride. Don't take that away from him by returning this."

Logically, I got that. Emotionally, this was waaay overboard.

"I can't pay him back, though. This is too much." I shook my head. I understood what Mae was saying, but my brain still couldn't fathom all this. Back on Earth I grew up on hand-me-downs. I only bought new clothes when my old ones were unmendable.

"After all you've been through, you deserve some nice things." Mae dismissed my concerns with an elegant wave of her hand.

"I'll sort these away in your room," Eco stepped forward, lifting some of the boxes.

"No, no, I can do it." At Eco's shocked look, I amended. "I can help? And I can see what fits and whatnot." I kind of sort of accepted the clothes. Not really. I'd still be talking to Ronan about this when he came home.

But it felt odd to have someone put away my stuff for me. I could definitely do that myself.

"I can take Miss Lani if you'd like to review your purchases, ma'am– Aanya," Vrux amended, holding out his arms to take Lani from me.

I untied Lani and placed her in his arms.

"Greetings, Miss Lani," he said seriously down to her. Lani was so small in his big arms, like when Ronan held her. "How does a walk outside and some fresh air sound to you?"

Lani let out a little agreeable sound as Vrux carried her outside.

Before I could help Eco take up the boxes, the door opened again.

"Oh," Kallum startled, seeing all of us congregating at the door. "Good sunrise, Mother, Eco, Aanya."

"Good sunrise, son. Back so early?" Mae raised a brow.

"The Council's a mess." He scrubbed a hand over his tired face. "I'm just returning now from an all-nighter session. I haven't ever been to one since I took over the house seat from Father. It was gruelling. There's all this new information brought to light and we can't seem to come to a consensus. Nobody can agree on anything and–" he cut himself off, sighing. "Nevermind about that, though. How are you and the youngling settling in, Aanya?"

"All good. We have everything we need." More than enough, really.

"That's good, good," Kallum said, absentmindedly. "House Adontris has been a pain about this." He frowned, rubbing his brow.

Right, Alarik of House Adontris had been that dick from yesterday. It felt so weird that the council crap had all just been yesterday– it felt like eons ago now.

"Oh, I'm sorry I caused issues picking Ronan. It's just, he's the only person I know here. He's the only one I could even consider marrying. Sorry if that caused problems." I bit my lip. I didn't want any trouble.

"No, please don't be sorry. If anything, the rest of the Houses are envious of House Hawke now. Two females– they treat you both as if you're prized livestock, not sentient beings. It irritates me to no end. They're already trying to convince me to convince you to choose their house for your next marriage, not that it's any of my business," Kallum sighed, exasperated.

"My next marriage?" Now it was my turn to frown.

"You know, after this revolution with Ronan. Any of the major houses wants you," Kallum said matter-of-factly.

"Oh," was all I could say.

They wanted me like they wanted a piece of livestock– a broodmare. Gross.

"There's sunrise meal on the table if you're hungry," Mae offered, walking over and smoothing down Kallum's hair that was sticking up in every direction, likely from running his hands through it throughout the night.

"Thank you Mother, but I believe I'm going to sleep for a span," Kallum said as he left, tiredness seeping off his frame.

In all that time, Eco had managed to take all the boxes up without my help. But, from the look on his face earlier, I doubt he would have let me lift a finger.

He already got started on emptying out the boxes into my closet and wouldn't let me help, as predicted. All I could do was try on the outfits.

I turned the morning into a little fashion show for myself with Ecco as my audience. It took a while for him to even meet my gaze, but now, hours later, he was getting more into the spirit of things.

I came out of the ensuite bathroom, twirling in one of the new dresses. It made me feel like a princess. I let on an honest-to-God giggle as I spun around, skirt flaring out.

"What do you think, Eco? Better or worse than dress #6?" I caught my breath as I looked at him.

Eco stared at me like a deer caught in the headlights. Huh. After hours of doing this, I thought he'd come out of his shy shell somewhat. But the look he was giving me was like we were back at zero.

Then, I followed Eco's gaze to the door where Ronan was standing, practically sending Eco daggers with his gaze, grip tight on the doorframe. 

✶ ☾ ✶


Looks like Ronan's a little jealous 😏

🔥 scene coming up veryyyy soon...

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Virtually yours,


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