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Weeks passed in a blur of planning and meetings and routine.

Finally, I was able to carve out some time to have my first training session with Aanya. I knew that she'd been working hard without me, often in the ship's gym. Even her physique had changed a bit, still curvy, but with more muscle.

I led Aanya to a training room that I don't think she'd had the chance to explore yet.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked again for what felt like the millionth time, hoping her answer would change. That she'd trust me to protect her.

"Yup." Aanya nodded. "Knox isn't the most chatty when he's on my guard detail but when he does talk, all he talks about is fighting or weapons. He really likes his weapons. I don't think I've ever heard anyone more passionate about weapon maintenance. Anyways, he says you're the best teacher and I believe him."

My chest warmed at that. It was high praise coming from Knox.

"I'll endeavour to live up to his expectations." I bowed my head.

Aanya nudged me playfully. "I know you will, big guy."

My lips twitched as I fought a smile.

I stood next to her as she took the space in, my wings casting shadows in the soft glow of the room. I wore sleek, form-fitting combat attire and she wore a simplified version of my training gear.

We made our way to a flat area made for sparring. The floor lit up as we stepped onto it. She circled it, getting a feel for the space.

I'd booked out the room so we'd be the only ones here.

"Ready?" I asked, taking in her beauty, from her glossy dark hair to her soft golden brown skin to her pink, kissable lips. I didn't want to see a single bruise on her.

A smile curled her lips. "As ready as I'll ever be."

I started the lesson, demonstrating basic fluid defensive moves and techniques. Aanya listened attentively, her brown eyes an adorable mixture of admiration and determination.

As we progressed, I changed my approach from being more instructive to more hands-on guidance because Aanya responded better to that. I gently corrected her posture, showing her the intricacies of each defensive manoeuvre.

I relished in each touch, lingering even though it was supposed to be purely instructive. I couldn't help myself and from the mischievous glances Aanya sent me every once and a while, she wasn't complaining. Stars, everything about her captivated me. Everything from her whip-smart mind to her kindness to her sweet personality.

The training area echoed with the sound of our synchronised movements, creating a unique blend of intimacy and purpose.

Despite the seriousness of the lesson, there's an unspoken connection between us. I couldn't help as eyes softened as I watched Aanya learn, and she reciprocated with a determined focus, eager to grasp each skill.

With each move, the training became a shared experience, a dance of trust and vulnerability. My wings would occasionally brush against her, sending a shiver down my spine. The atmosphere was a charged mix of tension and affection.

We sparred for a bit at her insistence, but my heart wasn't in it.

Aanya stopped, her hand on her hips and her chin jutted out stubbornly. "Ronan, you need to stop treating me like I'm glass. I'm strong. I'm a sturdy gal. I've got meat on my bones. You're not going to break me."

In my eyes, Aanya would always be delicate. Yes, she was strong mentally and physically, but she was delicate.

But I nodded, acquiescing.

We sparred again and she managed to knock me onto the ground, but I still made sure she landed on top of me, ensuring that she wasn't hurt. I couldn't help it. This was practice and I didn't want to see her hurt.

Still, she laid on top of me, both of our chests heaving. I sucked in a sharp breath, all my blood flowing southward. Her whole body was pressed against mine, her soft, luscious curves against my hard planes.

Our busy weeks hadn't afforded much intimate time between us at all and with her lips so close to mine, I just wanted to devour her.

My gaze flickered down to her lips. I wrapped my arms around her waist, pressing her closer. I bit back a groan. Stars, it took all my control not to take her right here on the floor. Desire blew out my pupils. I wanted her, rough and hard and fast. My heartrate picked up.

"Can I kiss you?" she asked, breathless with her hands pressed against my chest.

I nodded my assent and she fisted my shirt, eyes darkening.

She leaned closer, our lips a hair's-breadth apart...

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