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Achingly slow, Ronan rubbed his cock along my core, making me aware of just how wet I already was. We were slick against each other and I don't think it was just me– it was Ronan's precum and some other lubricant that his body was producing. But I honestly couldn't care at this moment– just another part of his alien physiology.

Ronan rolled his hips and swiped his cock against me before sinking in, slowly stretching me. He slowly rocked into me, a pleasurable torture.

I sucked in a breath as Ronan filled me for the first time. He pressed hot kisses on my neck, leaving a trail down to my nipples. I twined my hands around his neck and bit down on my bottom lip.

It didn't hurt as much as my girlfriends on Earth had told me. It was just a bit uncomfortable, a stretch unlike anything I'd ever felt. I don't think it hurt that Ronan had already given me two orgasms and my body was primed for more.

"Feels like the stars designed you for me, Aanya." My name sounded like a prayer coming from his lips. Maybe it was just a line he used on everyone, but the sincere look in his eyes made me think otherwise.

He lifted his head from my breast to look at me. "Are you okay? Can I keep going?" His words were so soft yet rough, making my lips curl upwards.

I felt so full, so stretched. I glanced down to where we were joined. Oh god, he was only halfway in. But nonetheless, I nodded. "Yes, more."

Ronan's head dipped back down to my other nipple and I let my head fall back against my pillow and focus on the sensations. I bucked my hips.

"Just like that." Ronan bit out as I gasped underneath him. "Oh stars, you're taking it so well."

"Don't stop," I begged.

Ronan pulled back out of my slick core and sunk in inch by inch until his hips met mine. I writhed underneath him, pleasure overtaking my senses. He ground down on my clit and I moaned.

How did he manage to fit inside me? Ronan lifted his head, smirking.

Did I say that out loud?

Ronan froze. "Fuck," he muttered.

I didn't know what was wrong, but I wanted more. My nails dug into his shoulders. "Please."

"I don't want to be too rough with you. You feel so good, I don't want to hurt you." Ronan's muscles strained with his restraint.

"You won't hurt me, I trust you." I was so wet and ready for him.

He slowly dragged out of me before thrusting back in faster and faster. Head thrown back, I grabbed onto his back, digging my nails in.

"More," I gasped.

Ronan hissed and his hips pistoned faster, our skin slapping together in an obscenely intimate way.

Something rubbed against my clit so well– that part of his cock that I couldn't see earlier, the hooked part. I clenched around him, caught in a whirlwind of pleasure.

"Fucking gorgeous," he bit out, pace unfaltering. And for a second I swore that his eyes were glowing... but maybe it was just a trick of the light or the breeding drug making my eyes see weird things.

Ronan swivelled his hips and he hit a spot inside me that made me see stars. He hit it again and again, and that pleasure building in my coiled tighter. I raked my nails down his back, marking him.

His weight above me was comforting. I lost myself in the feeling of our bodies coming together. It was so tight and I felt every single thick inch of his cock.

He panted along with me. "I'm not gonna last much longer."

I wanted everything. I wanted him to fill me. I wanted him to–

My thoughts were cut off as his calloused fingers found my clit, making me explode. I'm pretty sure I blacked out for a second as I came. My core tightened around his cock as he rode me through my high.

His thrusts stuttered, becoming more erratic until he roared, cock driving deep into me and staying there as he came. Somehow, it felt like he got even bigger, thicker. I pulsed as his hot cum filled me.

"Oh stars," he groaned.

I tried to catch my breath, luxuriating in the full feeling of Ronan before he had to pull out. I panted, trying to get in enough oxygen after my explosive orgasm.

When he still hadn't pulled out of me, I gave him a quizzical look. Was he still hard? I thought he came? I mean, I felt it. I thought I felt it.

Ronan seemed as confused as I was, which wasn't a reassuring thing.

"Ronan?" I questioned. It was like he was locked in me. It wasn't uncomfortable by any means, I just didn't know why.

Finally, understanding dawned in his eyes. "It's– Rhodinians– we–" he took a steadying breath. "Sometimes Rhodinians knot when we have sex. The base of my cock swells and locks us together, increasing the chances of pregnancy..." Ronan trailed off, thinking. "I hadn't heard of it happening in years, not since we lost our females..."

I nodded. Okay, this was normal then.

"It must be the breeding drug that caused it," he reasoned, more talking to himself than me. "That's the only reason."

"Um..." I bit my lip. "How long are we locked together?" I asked, hesitant.

"A couple minutes. Maximum ten, fifteen minutes," he explained.

I nodded. "On the bright side, the drug isn't making me hurt while we're like this." I gave him a small smile. "It feels good."

Ronan seemed surprised by that. "Really?"

"Mhm. I feel full." I stretched out under him. "A good full."

Eventually his knot loosened and he slowly pulled out of me. His cum dripped down my slit and pooled on the cot, but I didn't care. I felt boneless from the pleasure.

Ronan still knelt over me, body hot and cock semi-hard.

But, the reprieve from the breeding drug didn't last and I pulled him close, pleasure driving out the pain for the rest of the night. 

Want to read the rest of this scene that I cut from this chapter? It's available for free to my newsletter subscribers! Subscribe here and read the spicy bonus scene: https://www.rosingh.com/

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Whaddya think is gonna happen next?? What did you think of the breeding drug/sex pollen? 

Aaaand I think the last three chapters have been the best smut I've ever written... hope you like it too hahaha

Comments and votes are much appreciated.

Virtually yours,


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