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Suddenly, it was just me and Ronan. Nemphia had to go do Intergalactic Alliance representative things and Lani was getting fussy, so Vrux went to put her down for a nap.

"Would you like to go for a tour of the ship? Or–" Ronan started, cut off by his beeping comm. "Oh, actually, would you like to meet my team? Drogan just notified me that they're all on board in the barracks."

"Uh, sure?" I nodded. What would his team be like? He spoke highly of them when we were caged by the lizardmen and had the utmost faith in their abilities to find us. In the end, I guess they did find the pleasure cruiser that we'd escaped on. I hoped that I could get along with them.

I followed Ronan as he led me down one of the many halls in the spaceship. If it wasn't for other people, I'd get so turned around trying to find my way here.

"How long have they been your teammates?" I asked as we made our way to the barracks. As we got farther from the deck, we ran into fewer gawkers.

"Since I was promoted to commander about four revolutions ago. I hand picked each of them straight out of the Academy." He looked up, reconsidering. "Well, except for Fox, he asked to be transferred but he fits in with the rest of us well. And Drogan, he was assigned to me."

I nodded. "Gotcha. So, you're like their boss?"

"You could say that." Ronan shrugged.

I blinked at him. "But you're so young. How did you become a Commander so soon?"

Ronan seemed to almost blush at that. "I was a dedicated student. Youngest commander to come out of the Academy."

I looked at him, gobsmacked. "Wow, that's such an accomplishment."

"Thank you," Ronan said, seeming to not really want to talk about it, so I let it go.

We made it to the barracks and went into a room with four sets of bunk beds, eight beds in total. All the men stood at attention when Ronan came in.

"Commander, good to see you," Drogan was first to speak, moving to clasp Ronan's hand.

"Good to see you as well, Drogan. Thank you for getting the team together for the mission." Ronan inclined his head.

"Of course," Drogan said.

"Everyone, thank you for looking for me when I went on my unsanctioned mission. I know you all did your best to find me when I was captured by the Szentists," Ronan said formally. He cleared his throat. "This is my wife, Aanya Patel. As I'm sure you know from the mission brief, she was also held captive by the Szentists. What the mission brief doesn't include though, is that we came here with a youngling. A youngling with a Rhodinian father and human mother."

Ronan paused at that and the alien warriors' stoic expressions broke at that, shock and awe overtaking most of their features.

"My cousin, Kier, was the father. The youngling, Lani, is with us on the trip. She was born during our captivity by the Szentists," Ronan explained.

"We will all protect the youngling with our lives, sir," Drogan said, serious.

"I know you all will. I would expect nothing less." Ronan relaxed his stance and everyone else followed suit.

Ronan went around and introduced everyone to me and then everyone broke out into conversations or went back to what they were doing before we came in.

I took the moment to just take in everyone, make my little observations.

There was of course, Drogan, the redhead alien I thought was a pirate. Drogan Umbra, Ronan's second in command according to Ronan's introduction. I had to say, he cut a striking figure, standing tall with an aura of both strength and something like... sorrow? He always had a somewhat distant, heavy gaze.

The next male, Corvus Thorn, shared a bunk with Drogan. He was all dark hair and dark eyes, lax but confident. All the males had muscles upon muscles, but he seemed more tall and lean, clad in dark, form-fitting alien armour adorned with sharp, edgy patterns. Tattoos, etched with mysterious alien symbols, traced along the exposed parts of his skin. Unlike Ronan's tattoos that were lines, his were shapes and symbols. His eyes gleamed with a mischievous glint, and his smirk spoke of a defiance that refused to be tamed. His every movement seemed to echo a subtle defiance, from the deliberate click of his boots against the spaceship floor as he walked to the back of the room to the low, rumbling purr in his voice that hinted at a rebellious spirit.

On the next bunk, Aster Fox spoke with Ronan animatedly. He was definitely the most approachable with his sunny smile that matched his blonde hair. He was dressed more casually, relaxed. His voice was warm and inviting, resonating with familiarity and camaraderie as he clapped Ronan on the arm. He laughed at something Ronan said, head thrown back.

Jaxon, or Jax as he preferred, Locke sat on the bunk above Aster's. Or Fox's. Some of them seemed to prefer their last name. If Fox was the most approachable, Jax seemed the most charismatic and sophisticated. He wore rather regal-looking clothes, intricately designed with symbols I didn't recognize. The glossy, jet-black wings on his back carried an air of authority, yet they remained neatly folded. His eyes, while intense, conveyed a warmth and intelligence. He didn't speak either, taking in the room instead like I was.

If Jax was observing the room, Lorcan Madden was doing the exact opposite with his nose in a datapad. Clad in sleek, tech-infused armour, adorned with intricate circuitry patterns. He sat on a bottom bunk, focussed on his task. His glasses perched on his nose with a holographic interface flickering around him every so often from his datapad.

At the back of the room in an open area, Griffin Knox was lifting weights, definitely the most muscled of the bunch. He was a formidable presence, with a rugged and unrefined appearance that set him apart from the polished elegance of others. His muscular physique was accentuated by battle-worn, dark leather armour adorned with rugged spikes and scars. His black wings, though imposing, had a wild and untamed quality. A rough beard framed a stern face and his eyes glinted with a mix of determination and a hint of turmoil. Corvus spoke with him revealing Knox's voice to be a gravelly baritone, filled with a deep gruffness.

And lastly, there was the familiar figure of Talion, who had tentatively joined Ronan's conversation with Fox. Or Aster. Whatever he preferred. Talion stood with an air of eager determination, his figure less imposing compared to the other seasoned members, yet exuding a sense of potential. He wore shiny, new armour. His voice carried a hint of uncertainty as he spoke with Ronan.

Then, there was an announcement from the captain– we were taking off.

The floor shook the moment the spaceship's engines roared to life. I moved over to the only window in the room to see what it'd look like. The ground became a blur as we started our ascent. The flames from the engines created a fiery spectacle that gradually gave way to the vast expanse of space.

Well, here goes nothing. 

✶ ☾ ✶



For the team, there's ofc Ronan Hawke, our fave Commander. Then, there's Drogan Umbra, Corvus Thorn, Aster Fox, Jaxon "Jax" Locke, Lorcan Madden, Griffin Knox, and the smol bean Talion Hale!

Thoughts on their names? It took me foreverrrrr to decide on them and their personalities. I wanted to introduce them earlier but I kept on changing my mind. I think I've finally decided. But names may be subject to change lol 

What's your name and the meaning behind it? Mine's Ro ofc and google tells me it means red-haired... which I am not lmao

Comments and votes are much appreciated.

Virtually yours,


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