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"No, absolutely not," the words came out of my mouth before I could think.

We both went quiet as a group of workers passed us, looking at Aanya and Lani with awe in their eyes. I scowled at them.

Aanya, fighting? She could get hurt fighting. Why did she want to learn to fight? Was she worried that I would provide inadequate protection?

But if she wanted to learn how to fight, who was I to stop her? If she wanted something, shouldn't I do whatever I could in the universe to make that happen.

My wings twitched involuntarily, betraying the unease that has settled within me. Stars, I was conflicted about this. I fought the urge to fidget or pace the hall, knowing that Lorcan and Fox were watching me and Aanya.

All my protective instincts came to the forefront. I just couldn't shake the fear of her getting hurt. I wanted to shield her from the dangers I knew all too well.

The hall filled with tension—a clash between her desire for independence and my instinct to protect.

I grappled with my own emotions, seeking a delicate balance between honouring her wishes and ensuring her safety in a universe where danger lurked in unexpected corners.

Ultimately, I couldn't stifle her. If she wanted to learn to protect herself, I'd teach her.

Aanya cleared her throat delicately. "If you don't teach me how to fight, I'll find someone else on this ship to teach me." Aanya crossed her arms, delivering the ultimatum.

I couldn't bear another male teaching Aanya.

"If you want to learn how to fight, I'll be the one that teaches you," I said finally.

Aanya brightened. "Great! See you later tonight?"

I nodded, yes.

With that, Aanya walked away down the hall with Lorcan and Fox. Lorcan looked at her quizzically. "What is this pepper spray you spoke of?"

I chuckled to myself. Lorcan always was the most curious out of all of us. He loved going to new planets and trying out everything from their food to their tech.

Scrubbing a hand over my face, I went back to my meeting with Krono.

I found my way to the medical wing of the ship and went back into Krono's office.

The automatic doors slid open, a soft, ambient light bathing the room in a gentle glow. The air was infused with a subtle, calming fragrance, designed to alleviate apprehension.

The walls were adorned with holographic displays showing intricate anatomy and medical diagrams. Diagnostic charts hovered mid-air, providing a visual representation of the advanced medical knowledge that underpinned Krono's healthcare capabilities. The colour palette of the room consisted of calming yellow hues.

As much as Krono annoyed me at times, he was the best of the best. I couldn't deny that. I did resent how much he tended to upset Aanya, though. But I had to do my duty and come see him. If he could unlock the secret to curing irod poisoning, it'd be a great boon for Rhodinians everywhere.

"Everything alright?" Krono asked sedately, scrolling his datapad from behind his desk.

"Just a hiccup with Aanya's protection detail. The issue has been resolved," I said as I sat across from him.

"Alright." Krono looked up at me, away from his datapad. He steepled his thin fingers. "Now, back to your test results– I am unsure how you healed so quickly. Healed at all, I mean. Your injury should have taken months to heal, not three weeks."

"It still hurts every so often. Twinges of pain." I rubbed my shoulder.

"No, you misunderstand." Krono raised a single brow. "You shouldn't even be able to move your arm."

"Oh," I breathed. That was extreme healing.

Krono consulted his datapad. "And the irod– I have absolutely no results that show why you are immune."

He leaned back in his chair. "The only thing I can suspect is that the Szentists altered you somehow. But your bloodwork is coming back normal."

I frowned at that. "They didn't experiment on me, from what I was conscious for. Mainly tortured me for information."

I shuddered, remembering their torture sessions. The fiery serum. The dark void. The disembodied voice. Pain is temporary. You are the sharpened blade of retribution forged in flames. Pain is temporary. My stomach roiling. My body quaking with the force of my held-in screams. More pain exploding from my veins.

My overwhelming fear.

My nails bit into the palm of my hand, drawing me back to the present. I took a steadying breath.

"Hm." Krono sighed. "Then the only other reason I could possibly think has to do with Mrs. Patel and the youngling. But without their examinations..." Krono trailed off.

"You can't know with certainty." I finished for him.

Krono opened his mouth but I cut him off.

"I won't try to convince Aanya otherwise. Don't think of asking me to," I said pointedly.

Krono held up his hands placatingly. "Alright, alright. But are you not curious how you survived?" Krono tilted his head.

I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. A part of me did want to know– how did I survive? 

✶ ☾ ✶


How do you think Ronan survived? 

We're offically 70,000 words into this book!! Damn, that's wild!!

What's the longest book you've ever read? I'm curious 👀

Comments and votes are much appreciated.

Virtually yours,


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