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We left the Tribunal building finally, thank God. I did not like that place one bit.

Warmth hit me as we stepped outside and I faltered, feeling the sun on my face for the first time in forever. Tears welled up in my eyes, but I blinked them back.

Ronan's aunt and uncle were ahead, looking back at me with concern.

Ronan stepped closer. "Are you alright?"

I wiped away at my eyes. "Yes, fine. It's just– I haven't seen the sun in so long. Or these two suns." I motioned up at the twin suns in the sky. Two suns, damn. "We only have one sun on Earth. But that's beside the point. I haven't been outside in forever. It feels so good."

Understanding dawned in his eyes. "I spend so much time shipside that I've adapted, but you've only ever lived planetside. I forgot, my apologies. Take your time, we're in no rush."

I waved a hand. "I'm fine, we can keep going. There's more sun whenever we want now, right? We're not prisoners any more."

Ronan nodded seriously. "Yes, whenever."

We caught up with his aunt and uncle. "Sorry about that." I bit my lip. I must be so odd to them. I readjusted Lani, who was tied against my chest.

"Completely understandable," his uncle's voice rumbled. "We'll be taking transit back to our dwelling," he said as we came up to something that looked like a train station. But with small, floating train cars. Whoa.

Yet another reminder that I wasn't on Earth. Damn, Toto, I've got a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.

I stared up in awe. At least there weren't many people around to see my gawking, just a trio of men who came up behind us.

"I take it this is different than Earth?" Ronan asked.

"You can say that again." One of the train cars pulled up and the door opened with a whoosh.

"After you." Ronan stood to the side, waiting for me to climb in.

I stared at the little train car. The small, small train car. For some reason, my feet wouldn't move.

I gulped. This was just for a ride to their house, er, dwelling. It'd be fine.

Before I even said anything, Ronan seemed to understand. "Small spaces? Like when you were imprisoned?"

I nodded tightly. Yup, yup, yup. Why did this totally normal car thing remind me of the plastic tube they put me in? Why couldn't I just be normal and get in.

"We can take another–" Ronan started but I cut him off.

"I can do this." I grabbed Ronan's upper arm, his hand going to the small of my back, holding me gently.

I exhaled and stepped in, Ronan coming in after me. I sat, focussing on breathing slowly. I was fine. Ronan sat beside me with Lani tied to my front. I focussed on what I could see, hear, and feel.

Lani's sleeping face. The hum of the car thing. The cold metal of the seat beneath me.

His aunt didn't get in with us. "You both take that one so you have more room in there, we'll catch the next one."

"Thank you." I gave a small smile. That was thoughtful of her.

I grabbed Ronan's hand and squeezed tight. I could do this.

The trio of men were giving Ronan and I a weird look, but I didn't have time to think about it when the car thing started moving. Oh, god. We were floating.

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