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I blinked at Ronan from my spot on my cot. He knelt next to me, not meeting my gaze. Okay, his tracker was disabled by the lizardmen. Not the worst thing, not the best thing.

I nodded. "Okay, did you get any other information?"

Ronan's gaze shot up to me, surprised. Was he expecting me to say anything else? I shrugged. "We'll find some other way out of here."

"Really?" Shock dripped off his voice. Did he really think we wouldn't get out of here?

"I know we will." I forced my voice not to waver. I had to have hope we'd get out of here. At least one of us had to. I wasn't going to leave Lani to grow up here and I wouldn't let any of us be some sick science experiment for the lizardmen.

I stretched my stiff muscles, my thigh especially aching from the lizardman's claws. I pursed my lips. What was that RD-5290 gas stuff? Other than my thigh hurting, I felt physically fine. Whatever.

"So, did they tell you anything else?" I asked.

Ronan shook himself out of his stupor, his blue eyes clear. "I overheard some things while the sedative was still in my system. From what I understand, this is a breeding program of sorts. They want supersoldiers for something called the Empire? And they have a base on Earth."

"They have a base on Earth?" My jaw dropped as I latched onto that tidbit. There were aliens on Earth? Walking among us kind of thing? Well, I guess not. The lizardmen couldn't pass as human at all.

"Apparently." Ronan nodded, rubbing the back of his neck.

"And the super soldiers... like Lani? They want Lani to be a soldier?" I couldn't believe it. How could sweet little Lani ever be brainwashed by them into fighting for them?

I fanned myself. Was it getting hotter in here?

"It appears so. Rhodinian are some of the best soldiers in the galaxy." Ronan rubbed his jaw, thinking. "But no Rhodinian would ever betray Rhodin. I guess they want Rhodinian fathers and human mothers..." he trailed off.

"To build an army." I finished for him.

"Yes." Ronan nodded, voice tight.

"We need to tell someone!" I stood and paced the cell. "We need to stop this."

"I don't know how, not while we're stuck here." Ronan sat on his cot, hands raking through his hair.

I paced, ignoring the heat that was hitting my core. Was I getting turned on right now? My chest flushed and my nipples hardened. No, not the time for that, body. I ignored my hypersensitive skin and kept pacing.

Some thought was tickling the back of my brain from before I passed out. The small lizardman pressing buttons, talking to him... the grate!

Right, the grate that the gas came out of!

"Ronan!" Excitement filled me.

His head shot up. "What?"

"There's a grate over there, hidden behind a layer of metal." I subtly tilted my head. "That's what they used for the gas. We could peel it back and take off the grate– I'd fit through."

My thoughts were going a mile a minute. "I'd create a distraction, you'd escape, we'd meet at the escape pod, something like that! We can do it."

I squirmed, ignoring the slickness at the juncture of my thighs.

"We could." Ronan said carefully, mulling it over. "That may actually work."

"Don't sound so surprised– ah," I cut myself off, a bolt of pleasure hitting me. Oh god, why was I getting aroused right now?

Ronan breathed in and his gaze sharpened on me.

"Don't, no." I held up a hand, incredulous. "Don't tell me that you can smell me."

"Yes, I smell your arousal." His gaze darkened.

"Don't say it like that!" I practically whined. I was reaching an uncomfortable state of arousal at this point and his smouldering gaze wasn't helping the situation.

"Well, I do."

Of course he had a good sense of smell too. What didn't Rhodinans do better than humans?

I clamped my legs together like that would help. It only made matters worse. Suddenly, it clicked.

"I think it's the RD-5290? I think it's doing this to me..." I trailed off, biting back a moan at the pleasure spiking through my system. The RD-5290 was some drug for their breeding program, something that made me sick with arousal.

That pleasure turned into a painful, pulsing need. I stumbled back, the back of my legs hitting my cot.

My arousal morphed into a horrible twisting in my gut that made me feel so empty. Ronan was still sitting on his cot, hands gripping the metal frame so hard that he left indents.

"Ronan, I need you. Please," I begged him. I didn't even know what I even needed– all I knew was that it was him.

In a second, he was surrounding me. "Whatever you need."

✶ ☾ ✶


What do you think is gonna happen next?? Hint: 🥵🔥🔥

Comments and votes are much appreciated.

Virtually yours,


P.S. RD-5290 is basically sex pollen 🔥🔥🔥

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