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I looked between Captain Tozark and Krono. Ultimately, Captain Tozark had the final say of any decision on the ship. That was the chain of command.

But I promised Aanya she wouldn't have to be examined, and I'd keep my promise.

The deck quieted as everyone subtly listened to our conversation. Lani fussed and Aanya shushed her, bouncing her gently.

I tried to see the room through Aanya's eyes. She was probably overwhelmed by the number of people and all the unfamiliar technology. There were so many holographic displays, providing vital information on navigation, systems status, and communication. Quiet alerts and beeps sounded often.

"I'll ask again, what is going on here?" Captain Tozark raised a single bushy brow.

I spoke up before Krono could, explaining the situation from our perspective. Of course, Krono piped up with the importance of the physical exam.

Captain Tozark let out a considering noise. "I see the merits to both arguments. But for the safety of the ship, should she not be checked by the healers?"

"She's standing right here," Aanya muttered so quietly only I could hear, thank the stars. I had never worked with Captain Tozark, but I knew males like him and I didn't believe he'd take kindly to that.

Aanya spoke louder. "I remember being scanned when I first arrived. Did that not tell you I am healthy?"

Krono nodded. "Well, yes, but–"

A new, feminine voice cut off Krono, joining the conversation. "I believe enough of Mrs. Patel's basic sentient rights have been violated– let's not force her to be examined against her will." She smiled, showing off her sharp teeth, characteristic of her carnivorous species.

I blinked at her, surprised. It wasn't often that I came across an Elxair in my travels. The Elxair were one of the other species in the Intergalactic Alliance, as well known for their diplomacy skills and the Rhodinian were known for the finest warriors. What was she doing here?

"But according to regulations, she should see the healers." Captain Tozark frowned.

She cleared her throat delicately. "If I'm correct, Aanya Patel is, in fact, not part of the Rhodinian military. And neither is the youngling, Leilani. As civilians, they are voluntarily journeying on this trip. As civilians, according to regulations, their physical examinations are not mandated. Is that not correct, Captain?" She spoke with a deep resonance, refined and expressive. But I don't doubt that she could let out a deep roar, as I'd heard once before from a male of her species.

"It is," Captain Tozark all but grumbled.

"Lovely. I'm glad that's all been cleared up." Her ears twitched, likely having heard our entire conversation earlier with Krono. The Elxair had impeccable hearing, built to have acute sensitivity to even the faintest sounds. It was a bit disconcerting, the way that her ears rotated independently to better hear noise.

"I'd love to introduce myself– I am Nemphia Alza, here on behalf of the Intergalactic Alliance. A representative of the Intergalactic Alliance, you could say." She tossed her head, mane rippling. She had a full golden mane of fur that framed her face and cascaded down her back. A fine layer of fur covered her entire body, including her face. "I was on Rhodin overseeing trade negotiations when the Intergalactic Alliance requested my oversight on this mission. I look forward to working with all of you for a smooth journey to headquarters."

"You're from the Intergalactic Alliance?" Aanya parrotted, surprise colouring her tone.

"Yes, I am. My presence here is to ensure you have no interference on your mission from any other members of the Intergalactic Alliance, and if you do, to record them as an impartial third party." She smiled at Aanya, much nicer than her baring of teeth at the Captain. Her warm, amber and gold eyes were intelligent and sharp, almost sharper than the claws that extended from her fingertips for protection. Her scent was an earthy blend, different from Aanya's sweet undertones.

So, in simple terms, Ms. Alza was here to make sure the Szentists didn't sabotage us before we could get justice for what they did.

"Well, I for one, look forward to getting to know you better," Aanya said to Ms. Alza, giving her a small smile.

"Likewise," Ms. Alza inclined her head.

"I came to introduce Aanya, Lani, and Vrux to you, Captain Tozark, but it's clear you're familiar with all of us." I motioned at each person as I said their name.

"Yes, Commander Hawke, I am familiar with every being on my ship," he rumbled. "Including the first female Rhodinian youngling to be born in years."

Whispers broke out across the deck at the captain's statement.

Aanya held Lani closer to her chest.

"We'll see to it that no harm comes to her on this mission. Younglings are the future," Captain Tozark said gruffly, eyes softening just slightly on the little bit of Lani he could see.

"Thank you, sir." I nodded and gave a short bow with Vrux following suit.

We left the deck, Ms. Alza following along with us.

"Sorry, I can't stop staring at you." Aanya told Ms. Alza. "It's just– you share such a resemblance to an animal on my planet, Earth. A lion. It's uncanny."

Aanya was comparing her to an animal? My gaze darted between the two of them

Thankfully, Ms. Alza didn't take it poorly. "Well, I'll take that as a compliment, thank you."

"It was intended as one, I promise." Aanya was quick to clarify. "Lions are majestic creatures."

Ms. Alza smiled. "If we're making observations about one another, I will say, I am intrigued by your voice. I've heard nothing like it before. Very melodic."

"Thank you. Your voice is deeper than..." Aanya and Ms. Alza went on, getting to know each other.

I was glad that Aanya could have at least one ally here. I had a feeling we'd need all the allies we could get. 

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So now we've met Captain Tozark and Nemphia Alza!! And ofc Krono had to pop up too. Thoughts on the new characters? 

I just watched Queen Charlotte on Netflix, and yes I know I'm the last person to get around to watching it. Any recs for what to watch next??

Comments and votes are much appreciated.

Virtually yours,


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