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Once again, I found myself back in the stupid Tribunal. And they were arguing over me like I was a piece of meat. Again.

A headache built and I sent Talion an annoyed glare. He shrugged in a 'what can I do?' kind of way. My glare intensified and he shrunk back.

I shouldn't take out my anger on him, it wasn't like he had any power here.

Lani cried, so I bounced and shushed her with calming words. We'd get through this, just like everything else life had thrown my way.

"Is she alright? Is she in distress?" Talion whispered, brows creased.

"Probably doesn't like all the loud noise, the arguing. But she'll be alright– babies cry, that's what they do." I smiled fondly, remembering Ronan's concern and confusion at Lani's crying too.

Talion nodded, but kept a watchful eye on Lani, which I appreciated.

Their voices echoed around the circular, marble room. From their arguing, it sounded like everyone wanted me more now that I had Lani with me, these vultures.

What right did they have to me?

Finally, I yelled. "Stop! Everyone stop!"

I stomped up to them, my guards following me. "No, I'm not marrying you, whoever you are!" I waved off Alarik and looked down at Lani. "This female offspring's name is Lani and I'm not her mother. If you'd stop and listen to me for a moment, you'd know this. Jesus, people are the same no matter what planet you're on. Another woman gave birth to Lani when we were with the Szenists and she died right after. I'd like to figure out who her father is, obviously he's Rhodinian, given her wings. And I'd like to stay a part of Lani's life, but I'm not ready to be a mother. Shit, I don't know. Maybe she has some family on her father's side and we can all raise her together. I don't know, but one thing I do know is that I'm not marrying anyone! All I'm doing is finding a bed and sleeping, preferably after a meal. And for fuck's sake, can someone please find Ronan?" I sucked in air, all the wind blown out of my sails.

Then, the doors burst open with a bang. "Where is she? Where is Aanya?"

"Ronan!" I ran from my guards as soon as I saw him. Without a second thought, I flung myself in his arms, cradling Lani in one arm and one clinging to his familiar frame.

I curled into his warmth and closed my eyes, willing the tears that surfaced to go back. I just felt such immense relief to have him here, to touch him, to hold him. I never wanted to let him go. I forgot my nerves from before and just relished in the gratitude that we were both alright. We made it out alive and we had each other.

Ronan hugged me back, careful not to squish Lani, who stayed quiet during this whole ordeal, big blue eyes taking everything in. Ronan lifted his head from where he'd buried it against my neck and looked down at Lani. His fingers whispered against the top of her head and she let out a pleased little baby sound.

I held him tighter. "Thank fuck, can you please talk some sense into these crazies?"

Before Ronan could reply the lady cut in. "You need to choose a suitable male for marriage, it is the Rhodinian way. The Rhodinian law."

Dr. Krono, who had come in with Ronan, spoke up as well. "Really, both Aanya and Lani need to come back to the healer halls. They are my patients and need to be monitored, I insist, Ami."

The lady must be Ami. Whatever. I liked her name but not her. This Krono guy was growing on me though.

Ami sighed. "Krono, they can go back to your care once this business is concluded."

I whirled around, letting go of Ronan. "This is really the most important thing right now? Don't you want to hear about how the Szenists tortured me? Experimented on me? They probably experimented on Lani's mom too, and her dad, whoever that is."

Ronan didn't hold me back and let me speak my piece, eyes hurt at the idea that they'd experimented on others too.

"But this is of greatest importance, to introduce you to Rohdin properly," Alarik piped up with a smug stupid look on his face. I fought the very childish urge to stick my tongue out at him. And to punch his nose. Maybe knee him in the balls while I was at it.

The only reasonable guy with purple skin from earlier piped up again, cutting into my fantasy of hurting Alarik. Party pooper. "Perhaps this marriage law seems archaic to you, but it's for your benefit. Your protection. This way, you join a House and the protection that it provides."

My brow furrowed. "What's a House?"

Ronan moved closer to me, eyes soft on me. "Like what you call mom, dad, your brother. A fam-uh-lee."

The head honcho lady cleared her throat delicately. "Yes, you must choose a suitable male and we will reconvene at a later date to discuss the Szenists incident."

"I..." I gave Ronan a pleading look, like he could get me out of this.

He shook his head, eyes dark, hands fisted.

"You have to choose," he ground out, like the words ripped out of him.

"I-I-uh," I stuttered, looking at the long line of men. The only reasonable option was the nice guy, but I really didn't want to make this like huge decision. And I had no fucking clue who any of these guys were!

Suddenly, it hit me. Hope bubbled in my chest.

"Wait!" I paused, mind whirling. "You said that I can choose any Rhodinian male, right? Any?" I held my breath.

The lady nodded her slender neck, blonde hair shining. "That's correct."

"Well, then I, we," I corrected, looking down at the little bundle in my arms, "choose Ronan."

Gasps echoed around the room, followed by overlapping sounds of outrage, the loudest the Alarik jerk.

"Silence!" The lady's sharp voice rang out. Her eyes narrowed on me. "Are you sure of this pairing?"

I bobbed my head, yes. "Yes, 100% sure, ma'am. I mean, if Ronan's okay with it, I mean?" I glanced at him through my lashes, unsure. Did he want us?

Ronan still stood there, blinking at me.

"Ronan!" hissed the nice guy, snapping Ronan out of whatever shock he'd been in.

"Yes, of course." He finally said, bowing his head. "I am honoured."

"House Hawke?" The lady looked at the purple guy.

He placed a hand over his chest. "We accept."

The doors banged open again, this time a couple barging through.

"Where's our son?" the new woman asked, or rather demanded.


✶ ☾ ✶



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Virtually yours,


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