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My heart raced as Rhodin became a spec in the distance. We weren't on the ground anymore, that was for sure.

I turned away from the window, away from my turbulent emotions about being in space again. I wasn't a captive this time. I could go anywhere on the ship. I could run and eat and, hell, dance if I wanted to.

I focussed on Ronan to distract myself. He was going through his belongings that Drogan had brought on one of the bunks.

My heart sunk a bit at that. It was clear Lani and I weren't staying here in the barracks. I'd thought that Ronan would be staying with us. But it didn't seem that way.

Last night we'd slept rooms apart and I'd been tossing and turning all night. I couldn't sleep, so I got out of bed early and fed Lani to fill the time. I had hoped we'd be together on the ship, but I let go of that hope seeing Ronan with his teammates.

My stomach rumbled and the noise had everyone going quiet, looking at me with confusion and concern.

My cheeks heated. "I'm just hungry," I explained, placing a hand over my stomach. "My stomach grumbles like that when I'm hungry," I said sheepishly.

"I'll take you to the caf." Ronan said, getting up from the bunk with his belongings. "Apologies, I didn't realise the time."

"No apologies necessary. I know it's different– humans eat three times a day," I said for everyone else's benefit, assuming Ronan hadn't told them.

"Every day?" Talion gaped at me, surprised.

"Yes, every single day." I fought laughter at his gobsmacked expression. "With snacks in between sometimes," I added with a wry smile.

"Sir, I'm afraid the team has a briefing with the head of security," Drogan double checked the time on his comm. "Right now, actually."

"The fresh meat can escort Mrs. Patel to the caf," ​​Knox said in his gravelly voice, setting down the weights he'd been using.

"Uh, just Aanya is fine," I piped up. "And by fresh meat, I'm assuming you mean Talion. I'd love that, if you don't mind Talion?" I gave Talion a sweet smile.

"N-not at all, ma'am," Talion stuttered. "Aanya, ma'am,"

I laughed at Talions fumbling, smile growing wider. "Just Aanya's fine. No ma'am needed."

All of the men stared at me, surprised.

"What?" My brow furrowed. "Is it not alright that he calls me by my first name?"

"No, no, it's fine." Jax shook his head. "It's your laugh. I have never heard anything like it." He looked at me with those piercing eyes. I looked away. It was a bit intense to be the focus of all these males.

Lorcan hummed. "Yes, very melodic. A difference between our species."

Ronan cleared his throat. "If it's alright that Talion shows you to the caf, we better get going."

I nodded, watching as the door whooshed open and Ronan stepped through. The rest of the team left, leaving me with Talion, who led me out into the hallway. We made our way to the caf through the winding hallways.

"You know, I never got the chance to say thank you," I said as I walked next to Talion.

"Thank you?" Talion tilted his head to the side. "For what?"

"For keeping Lani safe when I passed out." We passed a window and I peeked out. Just more stars.

"I was only doing my duty ma'a– Aanya," Talion demurred.

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