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I woke up slowly, awareness creeping back in. I was warm, almost too warm from the furnace wrapped around me. Ronan. He was spooning me from behind as I faced the wall.

Smiling, I took stock of my body. I was aching but with a delicious burn between my thighs. My cheeks heated as the events of last night hit me. I lost track of how many times I came. Oh my god. What did Ronan think of me now?

This was gonna be so awkward. As much as I enjoyed Ronan's warm embrace, I squirmed, ready to get up.

Ronan let out a low chuckle.

I whipped my head to face him. "You're awake?"

He had a smug, satisfied look on his face. "Yes, Rhodinians don't require as much sleep as humans."

Right, I knew that. Maybe we didn't have to awkwardly talk about last night and how much I... needed him.

I frowned. "Why didn't you wake me?"

"You needed to rest." He rubbed a hand down my arm, movement gentle. Despite being so much bigger than me, having so much power, he was always so gentle with me.

"How'd you know I was awake?" I questioned, raising a brow. He looked perfectly mussed from sleep.

"Apart from your squirming, your breathing pattern changed," Ronan said, like noticing the slight change in my breathing was normal. I guess I was among aliens now– nothing was normal anymore.

I sat up and stretched, back cracking.

Ronan shot up, alarmed.

"What?" I turned to face him, eyes going wide. Was something wrong?

"Are... are you okay? You... popped?" He was so confused.

Ha, what? I shook my head at him. "You mean my back cracking?"

"Yes, that. Are you hurt? Did I hurt you last night and–"

"No, no." I cut him off.

"Humans, our backs just crack like that." I shrugged. "Our spines let go of gas from our joints or something like that."

"So you're alright?" Ronan said, brow still wrinkled with worry.

"Perfectly peachy. Maybe a tad sore, you're a big guy." I smiled, joking, but that didn't seem to alleviate any of his worry.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for yesterday. I took advantage–"

"No." I cut him off again. I wouldn't let him think like that. "I wanted everything that happened yesterday. Well, I didn't want it to happen here, but I wanted to... be with you," I finished awkwardly.

Ronan looked at me with something like awe in his expression.

I ducked my head. "We did what we had to do. And I should be the one apologising for being so, well, aggressive last night. Not that it excuses it, but I think it was the RD-5290. It's some sort of... sex pollen thing. I didn't know that was real, I thought it was just in movies."

Ronan nodded. "Yes. I've never heard of such a thing. Rhodinians have never developed anything like that– we would never."

He had such strong conviction in his people. I wish I could say the same about humanity. If we had the technology, I'm sure sick humans would create their own RD-5290.

"And don't apologise. It wasn't your fault. I'm glad I could help relieve the symptoms," Ronan said seriously.

I snorted, not holding back my laughter. "Relieve the symptoms is a good way to call me begging you to have sex all night."

He chuckled too, a small smile gracing his lips. God, he was gorgeous.

Ronan tilted his head. "What is a moov-ie?" He sounded out the word funny.

I shook my head, fighting laughter. "I'll explain later."

"Now that the RD-5290 is out of my system– time to plan."

We were getting out of this hellhole.

As I stood to get ready, one thought worried me. If Ronan's tracking implant was taken out then did they take out my contraceptive implant too? 

✶ ☾ ✶


GASP... do you think they took out her implant too or nah? What do you want to see happen next? 

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Virtually yours,


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