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Aanya made me mindless with pleasure. Despite just coming, my cock was already hardening against her warmth. And stars, the fact alone that she wanted me, me of all people–

"Fuck," I bit out when I realised, "I don't have any sheaths with me."

"Sheaths?" Aanya's brow furrowed.

"A barrier worn to prevent pregnancy and infections," I explained. Did humans not use these?

"Oh, a condom," she said, the word unfamiliar to me.

I nodded, assuming that was the human word. "I had a health check with the military when I went in. I don't have any sexually transmitted infections and had them give me a birth control implant. It should be effective for up to ten years, unless I remove it."

"I don't have any sexually transmitted infections either. I didn't before the lizardmen and I was, well, I was only with you." Aanya's cheeks heated. "And you have an implant? On Earth, only women had them."

"What?" I frowned, considering her words. "What would men use?" That made no sense to me.

"Usually the woman would have the implant, or take the pill. Men could have a vasectomy, I guess." Aanya shrugged, toying absently with a strand of my hair, sending shivers down my scalp.

It was odd to me that they wouldn't develop the same implant or pill for men, but it was her planet, I suppose.

Aanya bit her lip. "I should still have my implant from Earth. I know I need to get checked out by the doctors here, but I– I just can't bring myself to do it. When I think about it, I think of the lizardmen and all their tests and my heart pounds so hard my chest hurts and I can't breathe and my hands shake and–"

I took Aanya's hands in mine and she looked up at me with watery eyes. "You're as healthy as can be. Krono's tests can wait until you feel more comfortable."

I hated seeing Aanya in so much pain, wrought with panic. I'd seen my soldiers have similar symptoms after particularly intense missions– episodes of intense anxiety that happen unexpectedly. If medicine and doctors triggered that for her, I didn't want to subject her to that.

With my men, I'd have them go see a soul healer. I'd have to see if Aanya would be amenable to doing something like that.

Aanya wrapped her arms around me and clung to me. I wrapped my arms around her too, like I could protect her from the outside world. Like we could stay here forever and forget about everything else.

"Thank you for bringing me here," Aanya whispered against my chest.

My heart tightened at that. I would do anything for her, and I was glad that this could bring her some joy. "Of course," I whispered back.

Aanya made me feel like the luckiest male in the galaxy. And a part of me couldn't help but worry when that luck would run out because it always did. My happiness never lasted. I didn't deserve it. And Aanya would realise it. She'd leave me, or she'd get hurt, and it would be all my fault. Because everything good in my life turns to ash.

But here, in this oasis tucked away from the world, I could pretend. I could pretend that she wouldn't marry another male in a year. That she wouldn't realise she could do so much better than a male like me.

Her lips found mine, soft and hesitant, unlike our earlier hungry passion. This was a slow build, the embers of a fire reigniting.

It was a slow perusal of each other's bodies, of what made our pulses race and breath hitch.

"God, Ronan, I want you inside of me," Aanya said against my ear, voice breathy.

I wanted nothing more than to sink into her wet heat. To feel her and–

My comm went off loudly, shattering the moment. Both Aanya and I looked over, the light a bright red. Urgent.

I froze. Shit.

"Go, get it," Aanya murmured. "It's important."

Reluctantly I pulled back from Aanya and went over to my pile of clothes where I'd left my comms.

It was the High General, Ziso Ilzax. I listened to his words, but I couldn't believe them.

"Yes, sir." I ended the call.

Robotically, I pulled my clothes on, like someone else was moving my limbs. I pulled on my underwear. Then, the set of black clothes I'd worn here. What the actual fuck. I couldn't believe this. I finished getting dressed and stared down at the comms in my hand as the High General's quick words sunk in.

Aanya was in the midst of finding her scattered clothes, noticing the change in my mood.

"What is it, Ronan?" she asked as she pulled back on her dress, concern in her warm brown gaze.

"The Intergalactic Alliance doesn't believe us," was all I could say, frozen with the comms in my hand.

"What?" Aanya blinked at me, her concern morphing into confusion.

"They don't believe the accusations we've made." I gulped. "We need to go to the Intergalactic Alliance's Headquarters and testify with the proof on the datastick. They don't believe us," I repeated, dumbstruck. Logically, I knew that this could happen. We were levelling grave accusations against the Szentists– accusations that would most likely get them removed from the Intergalactic Alliance.

"We have to go. We're set to leave soon. It's going to be a long journey, Aanya," I said, voice grave. And not necessarily a safe one.

Aanya took my hand. "We'll figure this out."

Together, we'd figure this out. 

✶ ☾ ✶


Dun dun dun.... *insert dramatic sound effect here*

Whaddya think is gonna happen next? 👀

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