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I stumbled backwards, the sight of Gila being shot replaying like a nightmare in front of my eyes.

Lani wailed, drawing me back to the present. Ronan was still lying there, bleeding out but I had to get us out of here before the lizardmen pulled the lever to close the hatch above the hangar that Gila had opened for us.

I ran over to what looked like a cockpit. How the hell was I going to pilot this thing? I could barely drive a car. The setup was vaguely similar to an aeroplane, but I didn't understand any of the symbols. Not that I could fly an aeroplane either.

"Greetings. Welcome aboard the–"

"Hello?" I cut in, spinning around. Was someone else here? "Who's talking?" My voice was raw and hoarse from my screaming.

"I am part of the ship," the disembodied voice said. It went on, but I knew what I needed to know– some sort of artificial intelligence thing.

I cut into whatever it was saying. "Can you pilot this thing? Get us out of here?"

"Of course." The voice almost sounded offended at the question. "Where would you like to set course–"

"We'll figure that out later! Just get us out of here before the hangar doors close!" I all but yelled as I rubbed at my aching chest. It hurt like hell.

The lizardmen banged on the doors, trying to pry it open. I gripped the control panel thing, knuckles white. Where would I go? My brain scrambled.

"Takeoff will initiate in three minutes." Her voice was calm like she could care less about the lizardmen trying to break into the ship.

"Three minutes?" My eyes widened. I didn't have any weapons– what would I do if the lizardmen got into the ship? Could they get in, in three minutes?

"Can't you go any faster?" I pleaded.

"No." The voice sounded apologetic. Maybe it did have feelings or something like feelings. "I recommend securing all life forms prior to takeoff."

Securing lifeforms?

I grabbed Lani and ran over to the pilot's chair.

"Can I strap her in here?" I asked the voice. "Will it keep her safe?"

"Yes, with modifications," the voice explained how to fix the straps to keep her held down.

"This is all gonna be over soon, Lani," I said in a soothing voice as I strapped her in. I breathed in her unique baby smell that'd become so familiar.

Lani looked up at me with her big blue eyes, expression calm. How she wasn't screaming her lungs out right now, I didn't know, but I didn't question it.

I ran over to Ronan and dragged him across the ship, trying to get him to the co-pilot seat or something. My muscles strained as I pulled him.

Midway to the seat, I glanced out of the window. Crap! "Ship voice, the hangar's closing!"

"Initiating takeoff," the voice said, cool as a cucumber.

"Just get us far from here, please!" I yelled over the engines.

In one jerky motion, we lifted off the ground. Stumbling, held Ronan down as best as I could as the ship practically went vertical to get out of the hatch in time.

We slid across the floor. My back hit the wall and Ronan's weight pressed into me, knocking the wind out of me.

We just barely made it out of the closing hatch.

Ronan's weight shifted as the ship righted itself, speeding away from the ship.

"Navigation course required," the voice said.

I gasped, trying to get my breath back as I eased Ronan off of me. Where would we go?

"Earth!" I blurted out, still gasping for air. "Can you plot a course to Earth?"

"What is Earth?" The voice inquired. Jeez, it sounded so real.

I gulped, still propped up against the wall. How did it not know Earth? "You don't know?"

"I have no planet named Earth in my database." The voice sounded a bit miffed at not knowing.

"Okay... okay, how about where Ronan's from? He's, um." I bit my lip, trying to remember. "Rhodinian."

"You would like to go to Rhodin?" Little Miss AI said it like that was so obvious.

I sighed. "Yeah, let's go there. Anywhere is better than here."

"Course set for Rhodin," Little Miss AI replied.

I stood up, wincing at the pain in my back and chest now. "Are the lizardmen following us?"

"Negative. No evasive manoeuvres required."

I let out a sigh of relief. We made it out.

"Commander Ronan Hawke is in need of medical attention. From a visual scan, odds of survival are 15%. 5% with no immediate medical attention."

I froze. 5% odds of survival?

✶ ☾ ✶


AHHHH RONAN... but they did escape (for now)!!! 

Whaddya think is gonna happen next? Is Ronan gonna make it? 

How is your week going on a scale of 1-10? TMI but for me it's a solid 4, my period has been the literal worst. Anyways, wbu? 

Comments and votes are much appreciated.

Virtually yours,


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